Find Sites to Buy Things and Stuff With Bitcoin (Like A Super Cool Knife)

in #photography7 years ago

In the past year I've gone on several hunts for sites on the web that accept bitcoin, and during one such hunt I found this gem- -where you can find places selling just about anything you might want or need- something that came in especially handy when it came time to search for a gift for my knife loving husband.


Found this beauty at for a lower price than Amazon was selling it.


It's called a KA-BAR Mark 1, with a leather handle and leather sheath.


The transaction was seamless-


-and took only 4 days to ship which is awesome!


I also highly recommend them for outdoor gear-


-such as tents, flashlights, and all sorts of cool camping and hiking stuff.


(And no, they are not paying me to say this :)


So check out and let me know what you find ;)

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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Witnesses: What they are and why you should careTo better understand what a witness does read @dragosroua's post


How about this site where we buy bullion with cryptos (usually Etherium) - great for converting crypto profits

Ohhh, perfect, this is definitely something Howie will want to know about.

They take these cryptos - we are trying to get them into Steem as well but they are still of a Bitcoin comes first mindset

Yeah, most places still are- it's almost strange to be an early adopter, it shows how slowwww the mainstream populace is at catching up.

Raaar!! What a knife! What a wife!! My gods, you got him such an awesome present!!!!!

Did I ever mention my passion for knives? I love the things. Little ones, theatric ones. Black one with bright orange handles. That is really awesome. Top donk!

Yes!! I'm feeling pretty proud of myself actually, haha! I paid attention to what he was looking at for once, so I knew this one was made well- and it was already sharp when it arrived (though of course he has lots of knife sharpening stuff)

I carry one knife, have for years, and assisted opening Sog, I always think I'm cool when I push the button and it pops out lol!

I love those ones. I would love to carry one about with me but they are really frowned upon in Scotland because of our knife loving past and present. When you dont have a gun culture you have to have something else so we had quite appalling level of knife violence for years. Its not as bad now but I lost a friend in my teens to it and another got quite brutally punishment stabbed in the arse. Which we actually all find quite funny. Even though to this day he doesnt. lol!

Then again my esperiences might be because I come from what can only be described as a hooer of an area!!

So as a result if you carry a knife here you would have a hard time not going to Jail! Madness.

Yeah, I guess knives are definitely the lesser of two evils in this country- I consider them tools, stabbing someone is not on my list of to do's!

Any injury to the arse is automatically funny- to everyone except the injured, much like ball shots!

It is, it's hilarious!! Ball shots! Ah they are hilarious too! Probably less long term painful lololo!

Wait wait let me right this down...

Maybe I should just start a @dreemit page in my bullet journal XD

Haha! And how would that page start? Beginnings are very important, something like Once upon a!

Ahem Once upon a time (in pretty scroll lettering of course)...

As I was wandering through the magical land of Steemit completely unaware of the way that fate was unfolding before me I happened to respond to a post and began a conversation.

Even then I did not know, so I continued on my journey and as fate wound it's golden web I soon learned that it had intertwined my with who could only be my Steemit twin, and she gave me many good ideas on very important things.

Things like books, and music, and places buy treasures with the currency of this fantastic and mysterious land. This page is the detailed records of all the enlightenment I have received from @dreemit ...


Naturally in pretty scroll lettering- I am one enlightening individual! XD

Awesome, if you remind me, I kind of have a knife collection of my own. A strange obsession of mine. Well, you'll just have to see it.

Oh, we'll remind you! He has the same strange obsession ;)

Very useful information, thank you @dreemit

I'm a knife fan myself. Could talk steel and knives for hours.

I'm using this one. No, I was not paid to say so either xD

Awesome, thanks I'll pass the link along to the man ;)

That's a very nice knife :) Love the handle it's so pretty :)

I thought so! Luckily so did hubby :)

wow that is some knife , I hope your husband liked it , never think to buy with crypto currency @dreemit

He did! I know, it's definitely a shift in thinking to buy with crypto instead of cash :)

well maybe it will be the way to go in the future , who knows : ) , have a great day x

Oh man, that is one sexy knife! Like the BOOM-smith, I too, have an affinity for sharp pointy things. If only I don't cringe at the sound of metal scratching against metal, I am sure that I would've at least attempted to try to be a blacksmith...'s apprentice. That doesn't stop me from admiring these beauties mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...ah!

haha knife lover your husband

He sure is :)

nowdays many website accept crypto for payment.

@dreemit are there shops that accept steem or sbd? I have no bitcoin presently and I would love to get books.

I'm not aware of any bookstores that accept steem, but there have been a few articles I've come across on steemit of places people have found such as this post by @pennsif-

Oh cool. Thank you for the link
Let me check it out

I wouldn't call a weapon a beauty, however congrats to feel the "power" to exchange bitcoin for merchandise.
I'm looking forward to do the same with steem!

Not a weapon, a tool- hurting someone is the last thing on his mind ;)

interesting bitcoin is now everywhere :D