Sometimes one just has to give in to peer pressure, or at the very least peer "inspiration." Inspired by the phenomenal posts by @darth-azrael I gave in and bought a collection of old slides on an auction site. I mostly use my scanner for my own photography but it comes with a slide holder so why not?
This particular set of slides intrigued me because I thought I recognized the street in some of them. There was also a name and an address on some of the boxes, and I love to explore the lives of random people from the past. I don't remember exactly how much I bid but the lot came with over 200 slides, a Kodak projector, and two rolls of film (one developed, the other unused). It took a couple months to scan them all so we'll see how long it takes to post them a few at a time.
I'm not sure how to group them, some have dates, some do not. Most were sorted into boxes by date or event, but some of them were not organized in any logical way at all.
I suppose I will start with the nearly 80 year old negatives that I decided to cut and scan.
This film was developed but not turned into negatives or even cut. I was hesitant to do it, but I decided it was best that the images see the light of day rather than live inaide a canister forever. These were taken sometime around 1945-1948 near Coketon, West Virginia.
Next post I will give background on the family history of the photographer and her siblings. Stay tuned!
S. D. G.
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It's funny because I'll be scanning photos from the 1950s and think to myself, "damn, these photo are 50 years old". But of course they really closer to 80 years old, lol. Makes me feel old.
I know, right?! I have to use my fingers to count decades sometimes!