Gazelle Family Photos Part 2

If you saw my previous post, you'll remember that a few months ago I bought a collection of film slides from an auction in Maryland. The preview photos of the lot made me think I knew where the photos were taken, but once I scanned them I realized I was wrong.

The collection came in boxes with the name and address of a Miss Kathryn Gazelle written on them. 2820 39th St NW in Washington DC to be exact.

I think this is Kathryn, but I'll ask in later posts what the public thinks.

Kathryn Ann Gazelle was born in 1919 as the second of five children born to Polish Catholic immigrants Mary and Joseph Gazelle. Joseph was a coal miner and the family lived in Tucker County, West Virginia, probably in the now abandoned area of Coketon. The children were Anna, Kathryn, Walter, Flexie, and Stanley.

My guess is Stanley

I'm bad with guessing ages, so this could be any of the sisters.

Family friend is my best guess because none of the siblings had children.

Intrigued by the preview pictures on the auction site (these are the scans which are much clearer), I initially thought some of the photos were taken in Baltimore near the Baltimore Museum Of Art. Google Street view disproved that theory. So I started following 39th St and after a while I found the exact spot where the preview photos were taken.

Notice the red stone that matches the original photos. The foliage is a bit overgrown but stone never changes!

The photos were taken at the corner of 39th Street NW and Garfield St NW, probably sometime around 1950-52. One day I'll try to make it there in person.

The whole collection runs from 1948 or so to 1963. I'll post a few every week along with whatever information I have discovered from them!


S. D. G.




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