This could actually be the official product picture. What did you use as a background?
And 2 to 4 pictures is a good amount :P
This could actually be the official product picture. What did you use as a background?
And 2 to 4 pictures is a good amount :P
It's actually just a black Ikea table. The flash is reflected off the ceiling, and an industrial floodlight covered with a kitchen towel acts as a softbox on the front right.
Experienced photographers, always know how to make cool background for a photo :(
I always have lot's of problems with that part lol.
Same... :/
I can light up my whole yard with my torch but that's about it when it comes to my knowledge of proper lighting.
I used a flamethrower to light my photos, but it didn't work as I expected.
It just burned the whole Ikea table together with my brows and the object I want to photo :((