Now, that surely was the luck that you carried with you that day! What sweet shots with them sitting on their haunches, their cute little bunny paws posed at full attention, probably listening to your shutter.
I love the colors of sunrise, the dewy air and how beautiful it transposes on to the camera.
Congratulations on winning a place in the #Steem-Hit Parade!
Right, whenever it heard the shutter, the rabbit stopped and listened 😉
Although I have expected a sunrise, I was very lucky that day, and I really didn't mind that I did not get the shots I was coming for.
Thank you so much for the nice words you have found for my photos, Denise.
This post has got quite some comments, and I have made it to number 10, hooray - my congratulations to your fifth place in the Steem Hit Parade 😊
Thank you for the tip - I don't know, if the engage token works again, but the !BEER should do ;)
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go to @dswigle, here is your
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token. Enjoy it!