Shooter FPV FlightLog 121217 - Flying With Spotters (Video)

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


In this flight video, I fly with spotters.

I rip my first bando.

And I whiz past a rock and a deer.

Last week I finally met some of the other local FPV scene. This weekend I met up with a couple of them to fly some coastal goodness.

Flying with a spotter is not something that I can do all of the time, but it is a good Idea to fly with a spotter when you can.

They can tell when someone is approaching, or explain to concerned citizens while you're flying, that we are not spying on them, nor do we FPVers have any desire to peer into their boring uneventful lives.


They can also call you out when you pull the same move over and over again... there's that rock again.

100 feet down the road is one of the only bandos in my neighborhood. A Bando is just an abandoned building. Not sure what the fuss is about.

Given the choice between flying a beautiful natural setting and a run down old building designed by climate change deniers, I'll take nature any day.


So we hit up Goat Rock before the sun set.

Thanks so much for watching my flight log video. Please like and share. Do me a favor and push all the buttons. Thanks again for watching.

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#curie #promo-steem #ShooterFPV #EdwardSeaton


really nice post thanks for sharing.

awesome scene.....

thanks for commenting!

such an adventurous moment ,,tanx also for sharing

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