An Eritrean Proverb says and I quote "its more dangerous not to try at all than to try and fail".
Sometimes, fear and negativity takes a better toll on us and we end up not even making an attempt.
Your message is so clear. Only in death can a person seize to make effort.
I'll wrap up with this cuz today is a sunday. Lol.
The holy book says " if your Faith be as SMALL as a MUSTARD SEED, you can say to a MOUNTAIN, be thou MOVED, and it would SURELY OBEY".
In Essence, Faith as small as a mustard seed is our little daily positive efforts, and the Mountain is the daily storms, challenges, societal and moral decadence.
Our little positive efforts would really go a long way to change things no matter how bad or huge it is.
Thanks @tarazkp and a happy Sunday to you