The first thing we did ride is the Kilimanjaro Safari, in which you ride in an open air vehicle for about 15-20 mins and get to see many of the African animals. I quite liked this one because you can see the animals roam more freely than going to the zoo.
The first thing we did try to do was a 3D film called “it's tough to be a bug” but the wait was too long and would cut into our fast pass for another show called, Finding Nemo - The musical. @ericrumor and I were really hungry so we decided to eat and missed the next show. Luckily we swapped the fast pass for a later time.
After the Kilimanjaro Safari we made our way to Rafiki’s Planet Watch. There you have a little petting zoo that they call the Affection station. But to get there we had to ride the Wildlife Express Train. I really wish I had a picture of this. Next time!
And who better to welcome you than Rafiki himself!
We also had the chance to meet Rafiki himself and get a picture with him too!
Like most petting zoo they had some goats and sheep. I like going to petting zoo, just enjoy watching the animals I suppose.
After coming back to the main Park area we headed to the Finding Nemo show. They did a great job with the show. Both kids and adults would enjoy it. This one ran longer than a couple of the other shows we had seen at the other park. It ran for about 40-45 mins, which makes it a great way to get out of the heat and rest a little bit.
One of the cools things we had seen was the Tree of Life. This tree has carvings of all different kinds of animals. And after dark it's lit up beautifully as well as the animals “coming to life” which the projections put out on to it. I'll share a picture or two of the tree later in the post.
We spent some more time walking around and then went to this water show called Rivers of Light. This water show was really cool. It was mesmerizing to watch. I wish the pictures I took could show how neat it was.
After the water show we ended our night did our final ride called Dinosaur. Boy was this ride bumpy and crazy. Lol. It was fun to ride. They did have a in ride photo but it never loaded into our app. :( that's alright though we can ride it again another time.
Here are some more photos from our day at animal kingdom.
I hope you enjoyed reading about our day at animal kingdom. Stay tuned for the next post about our day at Epcot! With that I will leave you with a little news from Animal Kingdom.
Fun fact: Animal Kingdom got their first Nile hippopotamus in 13 years was born on January 13!
I love all those animals there, I need to go to the zoo haha. Fun!
Have you been to the zoo by you guys?
No :( haha
you should go when it gets nicer out :)
Wasn't there another goat pic? Or was it a video?
I took like 10 of the same goat lol and i did do a video too
There was one of the goat behind this one looking at us wasnt there? It was funnier
He's in the back to the left. The black one.