We had the opportunity to be able to go to magic kingdom for two days. Here is how day two had gone.
It started out with us having fours hours of sleep and we we're heading to magic kingdom fairly early. The park I believe had opened around 8. We got there about 830. The had gone so early because of it being new years Eve and it's been known for the park to close at some point during to capacity. And we didn't want to not be able to get into the park. Lol.
When we first got to the park I had to go to guest services to see if I can find a lost item, and sadly they didn't have it. :( But right next door we got to meet Snow White. Boy was I glad there wasn't a line since it was still early.

We went down Main St and headed to the liberty boat to give that a ride. It's a nice relaxing ride perhaps about 10-15 minutes. After the ride I got to meet Mary Poppins. I love Mary Poppins! Lol

We checked it some more shops and of course bought a couple of things. :P After this one particular shop, we got to watch a holiday parade they had. And we so happened to be at the beginning of the line for that and it was about to start so we took a seat to watch the show!

After the parade we headed to the Hall of Presidents for their next showing. Watching the video for this was really interesting and especially seeing the animatronics was cool too.
Today we actually got to go the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. I loved it! I totally recommend this ride for everyone. There is a tiny chance to get splashed with a little water, but it's not horrible. Lol
I got excited when I got to meet Ariel in her Grotto!
We tried to sneak in one more ride before finding a good spot to watch the fireworks at midnight. We did Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin ride. I was laughing so much though this ride lol. You get to spin the seats you're in, and @ericrumor was trying to shoot the targets and because I was doing so bad I kept spinning is around. Lol. Here's a picture from the ride they take. Look at us and our goofy faces. Haha!
We went looking for a spot to sit and watch the fireworks. It was perhaps 8 or 9. So it'd be a little while till the it all starts. I won't lie it was an awful wait because we were so tired. But then it was time! :D I really wish I had pictures to show of the fireworks but I was just consumed into watching it.
I really hope that everyone has a great Christmas and New Year. Tell me about your holiday and what you did. I'd like to hear about it!
Below I'll shave a few more pictures for you guys. Enjoy! :)
Thank you for reading!