Ducks are considered one of the most popular birds on our planet. There are many wild breeds of ducks from which domesticated individuals have been bred. In everyday life they are brought either for the production of the most delicate dietary meat, or for eggs. But before you get the ducks on your farm, you need to know some unusual, sometimes frightening, facts about them.
1. Most ducks are bred in China. The inhabitants of this country are very fond of the meat of these birds. Of particular popularity, of course, is the Peking duck.
2. It turns out that only females can make quacking sounds, the drakes are silent.
3. By the number of cervical vertebrae, ducks are superior to the giraffes themselves.
4. When a duckling is born, he must first of all see his mother. Otherwise, he will consider the parent of the one who is closest.
5. When the ducks molt, they cannot fly.
6. Ducks are very hardy birds. They can fly about five hundred kilometers in 24 hours.
7. Once a duck flew so high that it hit an American plane.
8. Why can ducks walk quietly on ice and snow? This is because there are no vessels and nerves on the membranes of the paws.
9. The mating season for ducks is a lot of stress. The reproductive system of the female and male is built in a very complicated way. Therefore, during mating, the duck experiences torment. Especially when several drakes hunt for it at once. Stressful intercourse ends in successful fertilization of the egg in only 3% of cases. The male during copulation can even inadvertently kill his partner or drown in water.
10. Ducks have very good eyesight. They see better people and dogs. They also perceive the world in full-scale colors.
11. These birds have a unique ability: they can sleep with their eyes open.
12. When duck flocks fly to other cities or countries, they can jam jamming radio systems that are responsible for locating. Therefore, sometimes some airlines suffer a flight.