I think we agree to disagree. Learning a bit of the local language can help you at the grocery store or at the market, but not when it comes to legal matters. Try to sort out fines, taxes or other legal matters in a country, where there's no English speaking clerk and there's no online information in English either.
This is why I have written this post, but looks like due my crappy English, the meaning was lost.
No way! Your English is excellent!
However, when it comes to taxes and legal matters, I honestly don't think I could sort it out, either in English, or in any other of my native languages. Believe me, I've tried! (Ha, maybe it was ME who's the idiot...) In the end I've always ended up getting help from someone who was professionally capable, and not only spoke the language "perfectly". And again, this leads me into: maybe we all would be better off without taxes or legal matters. But I've hijacked your post enough already. -sorry about that. 😇
I studied law and know that one comma can make the difference. Not to mention when there are three lawyers in the room, there are five opinions as they interpret the law in different ways. Then imagine the poor citizens that have no help.
Hahaha, I know, I've been there. My wife is a lawyer, so we tend to have three (or more) lawyers around the table. So I know you are not exaggerating. Also, I have had my share of experiencing German, Hungarian, US, and Mexican bureaucracy first hand. And though there are considerable differences between these, neither one can be described as user friendly.