AcroYoga :: The Uplifting Touch We Need/Crave? 🤼

in #photography7 years ago


Have you SEEN this gorgeous form of yogic movement, done in pairs? It's called AcroYoga, and I LOVE it!

It hasn't been around all that long, so don't feel bad if you've never heard of it. I hadn't, either.

The other night, a few friends were gathered at @richardvalentine's. The conversation was hopping here-and-there, when @modprobe brought up AcroYoga.

He did his best to describe it. We were all intrigued. Then, he shot up out of his chair with a burst of energy, looked at me, and asked, "Wanna give it a try?"

I didn't know what I was agreeing to.

But my "Okay" soon had me standing with me toes nearly touching @modprobe's bottom, while his bare feet were finding their right place on my hip bones! I mean...


...this is not a normal transition for me... to go from talking about cryptocurrency, to figuring out where a man's feet should align on my pelvis.

And HOW, exactly, I will go from standing vertically, to hovering horizontally, above him. He and I are not close friends, but I easily entered a deep trust -- of him, and the process -- anyway. I saw somewhere it referred to as a "Dance of Trust." That's an apt phrase.

Got trust issues? This helps!

Had there been a whole lot of dialogue about doing this beforehand, I might have copped out. Or certainly wouldn't have gone first, having never even seen it before (other than a few pretty pictures on my Instagram, which I still didn't know was AcroYoga).

Rather than talk on-and-on, @modprobe JUMPED INTO CONFIDENT ACTION, and I was soon balanced on his feet and hands, pretty quickly.

So was @stevenlytle:


Denni in black, and Richard in plaid, are spotting.


Nathan is our base.


At first glance, doesn't it look like Steven is floating in the air? lol


Look, Mom... NO HANDS!!
(Steven, I really do hope you share this with your Mom. 💜)


The one thing I didn't shoot, was Steven getting greatly twisted, left and right, while in this position. He looked to have a very flexible back!


Denni, in Free Bird. Look at that form!

Touch and Eye-Contact

Two special features @modprobe pointed out about AcroYoga are the aspects of touch, and eye-contact.

These are two preludes to greater closeness. Whatever kind. A multitude of non-romantic, and wholesome connections can deepen with AcroYoga.

If you're new to it, let your brain do its initial scramble. Give any inhibitions about TOUCHING and BEING TOUCHED... SEEING and BEING SEEN... give them permission to stand-down.

Trust the ability of your own body, your partner, and spotters. Learn to work with the simple laws of gravity, balance and counter-balance. See your friends, through new eyes.

Immediately after practicing/playing, I FELT SUCH A RUSH OF JOY + EUPHORIA. I don't know why it was so exhilarating, but it was. A lot of those feel-good neuro-chemicals were buzzing 'round.

I looked at Steven when he was done... and, my goodness. That was the best part of all, for me. SEEING HIM, unable to stop laughing... delighted with what he had just said "Yes," to.

Steven's eyes were FULLY LIT, like two blue suns, if you could imagine such a thing.

He and I reflected each other's joy. And, at times, amplified it.

Nathan reminded me to look straight ahead. When I was horizontal, suspended parallel to him, this meant looking Nathan directly in his eyes... and at such a strange and vulnerable moment... while being held in air.

I was actually startled by the vastness I saw in his eyes. I know that is cheesy af, but that's what I saw-experienced... hugeness, that was warm and kind. I had a brief encounter with Life's Spark, through that eye-glance. Do you know what I'm talking about? If so, could you share your experience as a comment?

What is AcroYoga?

According to the official website:

AcroYoga elevates the connection between you and others through movement, connection, and play. Acro in Greek means high, or elevated. Yoga in Sanskrit commonly translates to notions of union, or joining. The experience of taking flight with AcroYoga instantly dissolves fears and invites practitioners to tap into new and infinite possibilities of communication, trust, and union. By combining acrobatics, yoga, and healing arts, the practice of AcroYoga has built a community of active teachers and practitioners all over the world.

AcroYoga International was founded by Jason Nemer and Jenny Sauer-Klein in 2003. They were the first to codify the AcroYoga practice in 2006. Their work culminated into not only manuals, but also cultivated formalized educational paths that have promoted the highest levels of safety, expression, and straight up fun.

Thank you, @modprobe, for introducing us to this beautiful way to get out of our heads (so much thinking, planning and worrying!), into our bodies, and touching and trusting other humans. Thanks, also, for sharing your considerable leg strength with us all! No base. No Acro.


💚 So, who's up for more AcroYoga in Acapulco? 💚

Hey, didja see these?

🌿 A bowl, in a bowl.

🌿 HempCoin Series #1 :: 大麻硬币系列

🌿 Christ-Consciousness, Atheism, Miracles + The Right Use Of Spiritual Power :: A Candid Conversation With @emancipatedhuman


Doin' my best, to write light.


💚 So, who's up for more AcroYoga in Acapulco? 💚💚 So, who's up for more AcroYoga in Acapulco? 💚

Me! :P I'd like to start hosting practices at my place, perhaps once or twice a week.

I was actually startled by the vastness I saw in his eyes. I know that is cheesy af, but that's what I saw-experienced... hugeness, that was warm and kind. I had a brief encounter with Life's Spark, through that eye-glance.

Haha, thank you, you made my day with this. :)

Me! :P I'd like to start hosting practices at my place, perhaps once or twice a week.

Do you think you'll have enough space? Haha. That's awesome news, @modprobe! I really look forward to learning more about -- and through -- this practice.

i am, wish to try it from Africa

Hi Erika! I love these acro shots you posted. I just posted some acro pictures of me too. I'm definitely giving you a follow. Love it! :)

Thanks :-) Love your content, @flexifriday! Following you back, and enjoying.

Awesome Erika! I've been wanting to try this for a couple of years now. Maybe someone could organize a class to coincide with the upcoming Anarchapulco?

Such a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks so much, @layl. 🤗 And what a great idea! Yes, it'd be awesome if @modprobe or someone offered that. I bet it will be!

Where there is love there is life.

- Mahatma Gandhi

And where there is life, there is possibility for love.@wise-old-man:

-Me :-)

That looks pretty cool! I used to do similar moves when I was a kid.

@hilarski, you and Ana can be kids again, with us this February! :-)

Great post. I had a great time with acro-yoga that night with you and our friends. I just sent pics of it to Mom. The last gif, of the man rolling the woman and her handstand, mesmerizes me.

@stevenlytle: Wanna REALLY be mesmerized?

That's so awesome! I want to learn this :)

So do I, @framelalife. Am super happy @modprobe will be making this available at his place. I hope you're able to find -- or start ;-) -- a group where you are!

Very interesting. There's actually a spiritual wellness center up the street from me and I'm going to start to go. They have Yoga classes, Epson chambers, the whole sha bang. I need to go get my meditation on.

Haha, love it, @geechidan. Yeah! Go get your meditation on :-)

Excellent post, friend 🚀👍

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Excellent post, friend👌👌👌👌👌👌👌

There are many similarities between jiu jitsu and yoga. There are a few setups that remind me of acroyoga. There is one specific movement that is just like the pose in this post. Great share!

Looks fun,
sorta like "Flying" in the movie Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)