Technically wrong, artistically right. Lens flares and discolouration for days, following rules was never my strong suit. Photographers usually try to avoid lens flares, but I think they work for this because it actually looks like this in real life when the sun shines from a low angle and you look almost straight at it. Soft, hazy and magical looking.
Shot with the Nikon D7200 and Sigma 50-100mm f/1.8.
Sometimes rules are meant to be broken! Certainly in this case! The lens flare really gives a sense of summer .. i feel warm and relaxed just looking at these shots :)
Thank you very much :) These are the kinds of summer evenings I always look the most forward to :)
They are the best :) They remind me of childhood summers when all you needed to worry about was when your parents would yell at you to come inside for dinner/bedtime :)
Kinda living those days again right now, though I help with the cooking too :)
Sounds wonderful :)
Just had a good look through your work and profile!! Absolutely fantastic work. Love that you are provocative and unapologetic about it!! It’s good to see some follow what they love and excel in it too.
Thank you very much :) And hey, welcome to Steemit, hope you like the wild wild west! ;)
Thank you very much. very interested into seeing where Steem leads too!!!
Wonderful photography. Your technique of photography is really great.
I agree, lens flares can def add a more life like feel to a photo! 🔥🔥🔥
Beautiful pictures, you definitely like to always be on top, to take the pictures, from your favorite angle. Happiness always.
Beautiful... the lens flares make it all magic 🌟💫
They say that the rules were made to break, so I'm with you in this one, your work is really special and a song comes to my mind called fields of gold, I do not know if you know what I mean but what i know is that you know how to make your photos with your unique style. Thank you! I wish you many summer days and good photos ;) .
I'm with you on this, natural always looks better. Why capture it for memory or to show someone else if they are not going to see why you liked what you were looking at. I do exactly the same with all my work. Keep it real. Have a great day
I try to capture the beauty I see, and only enhance it a little :)