I should be fast asleep but here I am getting distracted by film cameras. I raided couple cupboards at my homehome to find my parents old cameras, and their aunts and uncles and grandfathers ones, and boy did I score!
I had seen most of these before but hadn’t payed that much attention to them before since I hadn’t been using film myself until recently.
From the Russian Rolleiflex look-a-like to the Japanese spy camera, and 7 cameras more, there is lots to explore and learn. These thingamys are very fascinating and I want to try them all at some point. I don’t know if all of them work, and it seems that 16mm film is no longer available, but I hope to play with at least few of them.
I’m very drawn to the Russian, or more accurately Soviet Union, camera, Lubitel 2, mostly because of the shoot from the hip viewfinder I want to try. Dad also insisted I try his old camera, the one on the first picture, that used 120mm film, because he remembers the quality being quite good. So I’ll be taking those two I think and having them looked at by someone who knows how they work, becausw I can’t figure them out, so cryptic!
I would love to steal the tiny camera for a decorative piece but mom won’t let me have it. But just look at it, have you ever seen a cooler camera!? I bet you haven’t!
I love that all these cameras come from someone in my family. I’ve always loved pieces, be it clothing, gadgets, art or furniture, that have history and are somehow tied to any of my relatives, no matter how distant. I need to find out if there are any pictures stashed somewhere that were taken with any of these cameras. I think it would be amazing to see some and then take some of my own with the same cameras.
There is always some new aspect of photography that I can dive into. This will never ever be boring to me.
This is super cool!
Cute little Steky camera.
Isn’t it cool?
Pretty cool, yes.
You inspired me to do a post for tomorrow about how shit a photographer I am. I have a micro camera that was my grandfather's so did a photo to support the post of me holding it in two fingers. I don't think it works, the camera.
I like old cameras. They seem sort of classy to me for some reason.
I’m looking forward to the post so I can say you are not a shit photographer :)
Lol...It's more about the fact that photos, my photos, are a personal memory of my life before they pretend to be anything else...It's ok...It's cooling right now, I'll revisit it in the morning and adjust it if required.
I hope you have a good day...Been Finnish weather here today...Pouring with rain and cold. (11). 😂
Ok, not quite Finnish winter.
You know him?
No, but I would like to meet his friend Rollie 😉
Oh me too!
Oh là là! (listening French language lessons)
Gadgets! Love them. Better if they are something that has been in the family so you know part of their history too. So exiting. :) And old cameras! Can't wait to see the photos.
This cameras look cool 👌👌👌 I hope it was cool to get them out from box first time.
I hear there's quite a huge second-hand collector's market for those old Russian/Soviet-era camera lenses. I'm not sure what it's all about, but I'm into it for the rustic and industrial aesthetic. Hopefully you'll get these working, and then we can enjoy some more film photography :-D