Guess What.... More Trees!

in #photography6 years ago


Kjehkjeh, I'm so predictable with my photography when I'm in the countryside; sunset and trees, preferably together!

This time it's not only pine trees, we have spruce, birch and and and aspen aaaand I don't know, bunch of other tree and bush thingies, you know, nature stuff. Sometimes I wonder if I'm a little simple, nature and nice light make me happy if I have my camera with me.

Shot with the Nikon D7200 and Sigma 50-100mm g/1.8.





Tomorrow I will provide something more exciting than trees; self portraits, hopefully. I'm somewhat scared going through the pictures I took this evening, I wonder if any of them are in focus... Sometimes I hate doing selfies, pure hate. But I'll get over it and keep going.


Bush thingies lol. Better to be honest. I also wouldn't have a clue. Nice photography. I like how you captured the rays of light in the last one.

I really should know all of these, dad would not be proud of me right now 😅😝

Don't kid your self. He is proud of you.

Yes but not on the part of my knowledge, or lack of it, when it comes to nature 😅

I like trees how to cut into the sunset sky. Beautiful nature!

Great photos !!

Simplicity always wins. You take professional photos. I like to commune with nature. I have a moment to think about life. Greetings!

Those are just stark. I have to put on a sweater just looking at your photographs. That first one with all the mud and tire tracks, although artful, is not welcoming. Brrrr. Chilly.
science fiction, fantasy, erotica

What, do they look that cold!? 😅😅 I promise it wasn't cold, I was wearing a t-shirt and it wasn't even a little bit cool!

Nature is beautiful.... We have to enjoy it when we can. Thanks for sharing

Nice shots!
Anyway I would like more lake pictures 😋

The whole country has been basking in temperatures typical of July in the past week. It was 25.7 C in Lahti today afternoon. It must have not been cooler to any significant degree in your neck of the woods. Are there any patches of snow left in the forest left any longer?

It was warm, even for me, so then it is really warm for most people 😛 Haven’t seen any snow anymore, not even in the deeper and darker forest!

Hi! Guess what I had written a post a while back about forestry and how I would like for people to put up names and pictures of there local forestry, nobody replied to that and here you are doing what I requested even without reading my post lol! Give it a read maybe? Thank you!

Looks like a peaceful place

It is :) though the birds are pretty loud at this time of the year!

Man I love those rays though the tress perfectly caught 💯🐒