That might sound rather vain, but let me explain myself a little.
Those who have been following me for a hot minute, already know that I am both the model and the photographer in my work. It is quite limiting to both pose and push the shutter at the same time. Well, not really the shutter, I do use a remote and a tripod, but that is quite a lot of moving parts to take into account and it does cause frustrating moments. And I definitely lack the patience to fiddle hours and hours with the tripod, and a remote that refuses to work unless it's close to the camera and in a certain angle.
I have a lot of ideas for shoots that are virtually impossible to do just by myself. I could always work with another photographer but I only trust myself. Everyone has their own style which usually differs drastically from mine and what I'm trying to achieve with my photographs. Though definitely the biggest problem for me is that I retract to my shell when I'm not the one in full control. We might get some alright picture and the photographers might even be exited for them but I can see that there is a lot of emotion missing, just a pretty picture to show, and that does not do the trick for me.
I'm always trying to think of ways to improve, and make easier, my self portrait work. If anyone has some killer tips or tricks, help a girl out!
Perhaps, @eveuncovered, you could link your camera to the computer.
You can see the shot, for sure larger than your viewscreen. Move your self to the location and shoot. The remotes are a pain; so unreliable, some preview software will trigger the camera. Still, still still on a tripod, stiff, inflexible. Set, move, view, set, move, view.... tedious. A selfie stick?
Check the Capture NX2 software that came with your camera. It may allow camera-computer linking and control.
Also Nikon makes Camera Control Pro 2. The software offers full control from the computer using LiveView. It's not cheap at $179USD, but you only have to buy it once and you're set. You could sell a little Steem and get some tools.
A selfie stick and software?
Remember to appreciate the difficulty, difficulty is part of the creation, part of the process, the realness. Viewers appreciate the real in your photos. A real girl taking real pics of her real self.
Photography is now too easy. Photogs go out of their way to create difficulty. ND filters for 30 minute exposures at high noon. Too contrived.
I ask my class, "Who remembers the negative?" Sadly. Not one.
Your work is intriguing. Polaroid, now a historic process. I loved every shot is instant. The thrill is gone.
I feel this! I love shooting everything myself but I HATE how it limits me for angles and what I can shoot. Also the walking back and forth..but its worth it. I used to model but I got tired of photographers and their vision of what they wanted vs mine.
Ah yes, the constant walking back and forth, I hateeee it xD
I can relate to your problems. I try to do everything by myself and it's a pain but I have no solution for you how to do it some other way..
I guess we'll just have to keep at it, at least we can take all the (possible) glory from said task :D
For now yes, maybe one day we learn how to make copies of ourselves :D
I'm not sure if the world could take that ;D
It's their problem, not ours ;)
Easy. Instead of getting another you to be the photographer, create another you to be photographed. Buy a Realdoll which looks like you and then you can take photos of it, maintaining the control of the style of photography.
Issue solved. (not a paid commercial)
Apsu to the rescue! Best advise ever, gonna get right on that :'D
You're welcome :D
Olisi oikeasti hienoa jos joku ottaisi hyviä kuvia jostain seksinukesta, sitten katsoa kun katsojat reagoivat miettien "Onko tuo oikea ihminen?" "Näytätpä kauniilta tässä" tms.
Jos on siis heittää muutama tuhat euroa tuollaiseen.
There is only one you, the better you will sure help!
I don't have photography tips or so, but keep up the good work
Thank you, I will try!
first of all you are so beaut full and now i know how you are feeling course i am a photographer too and what i think you are amazing just like you said every photographer drea to click him self i do it too sometimes wander full to see you
Excellent photography in bnw mood.Just wow!!
so you will never win a argument between two of you :D
oh cool that you are shooting your own pics :) maybe you can link your smartphone to your camera if possible to get a live preview of the photo.
I can imagine it is quite frustrating getting the angle and making sure you are where you need to be. You do a great job of it, even though it is a pain in the arse. I can understand the change in emotion and feeling when another is involved. Great photo @eveuncovered
I confess that I don't really know anything about photography, but there are new AI cameras coming out and I suspect that these cameras will be trainable in the future. You will have that perfect camera that takes pictures exactly the way you like it one day. I like your pictures they are nice!
I can definitely relate I feel like i'm always so busy. I wish there were two of me as well. Don't quit it'll pay off.
I can somewhat relate this to me as well. It's not that easy to trust people when it comes to creative arena. Unless thoughts and ideas and explanations and laughs and interpretations and almost everything matches, we don't trust.
Best wishes @eveuncovered
It's frustrating when you have an image in your mind, and what you're aiming for is close, but not quite there. I'm unsure if it'd help or not, but maybe a full body mirror? It might help you get a visual prior to setting up your camera and taking the shot.
Why don't you use a remote, dear?
You clearly didn’t read the text, I DO use a remote 😁
I swear to God that I read it, I misread however "I don't use a remote and a tripod" .
I thought you were doing all shots with the 10s timer which seemed odd , even for you :P
Hahah that would be very extreme, though I would be in great shape if I were to use a timer 😝
just selfie! the easy way.
It's complicated! I can feel that "does not do the trick for me"...but also... most people, (one of) you are too much to handle...mutta siitä mä pidän, älä ikinä muutu!
Hi! As a photographer and retoucher, I can say, that this is very good work :) ! Thank You for sharing!Up voted.
I will be resteem, please checkvery much like to be able to take a picture like this, angel picture can also, really very beautiful work @eveuncovered.
We'll you did great in taking this photograph of your own. I am not a photographer but I loved photography, my wife loves to take photograph of herself too.
You look like a professional model as well as you took this photograph like a professional and at first look at the photo I thought it is for magazine purposes.
Well, keep learning, practicing your photography skills and I know someday you'll be a master of photography. I find this blog very interesting and so with you, the reason why from now on I will be following your future posts.
Upvoted this post!
Have a great day ahead!
I can totally relate. I make jewelry, and the process can be super time consuming. I have so many more project ideas than I have time, or hands lol.
Great capture. Lovely BW. Maybe wanne take a look at my blog. Trying to make amazing pics like this one
You are really a top best photographer.
These blank and white pictures can win any contests if they shared. Amazing work with camera.
I am a professional photographer you may like my work.
Underwater photoshoot at Bali - A heaven on earth.
Hi @eveuncovered Had an idea, maybe video record what you need, then grab frames via app of choice, unless you're wanting the depth of field and blurs in the shots..
I completely understand...If there were two of me though, we probably wouldn't like each other very much... :)
Your photography has been good. And this black and white enhances the beauty of the picture.
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