It's like a buzzing electricity under my skin, a constant humming on my insides, flashing images behind my eyes.
I have an endless amount of ideas when it comes to my self portrait photography. Poses I want to try, looks I want to create, light I need to find and emotions to portray.
I have a lot of saved screenshots of beautiful girls in interesting shots, hump day every day! I find inspiration at random places, not only from other peoples pictures. I have hundreds of notes saved up on my phone for future pictures. Random sentences from songs and movies that inspired me, or just words that have spiked an idea.
They are all just waiting for the right time, light and space to be shot in. I'm working my little ass off to be able to concentrate more on my photography in the near future.
My options for shooting are pretty limited in my little apartment but I'm always trying to find a new angle in order to keep you entertained, and coming back day after day.
It sounds like you're a lot like a rapper, constantly finding inspiration and throwing it in a note. I do the same thing and actually have thousands of notes between my computer and my phone with some really random and crazy ideas/things that inspire me! Thanks for sharing this, it's very neat to hear about your process for creating!
Haha, you make me sound way cooler than what I really am, thank you! :D
Pleas do not work your entire little ass off!
That would be a shame. :P
Yes, that would be a shame :o
Steady giving real people hope. You deliver more than just creative work.
You are being very kind, thank you :)
I'm only saying how I feel.. My recent infatuation with black and whites is definitely your doing. Not that I mind.
Oh wow. What an honor to inspire someone.
These are beautiful photos! I especially like the second one - the eyes of the magazine models contrasting the fact that we're only seeing the back of your head. Well done!
That was not intentional but I guess you are right :)
You do entertain us everyday, even when the angel is the same, I always like your pics. Thanks to be with us !
Your limited options in a small apartment are just the right things to get you to have to use a lot of imagination!
When you do expand, you're creativity will explode!
Your photo is good. And it has further enhanced the beauty of black and white challenge.
i love bnw congrast
OMG I'm so happy
Pretty pictures and a gorgeous woman! Hoikka herkku pyllyilijä x)
Inspiration can occur in the most unusual ways, in the most unlikely moments and ... in sleep. Dreams are an extraordinary source of wisdom and have proven to be very useful, from solving complicated problems to reducing stress.
True artist!
Love this!
Well, you've clearly got an inspiring subject.
Fashion magazine shots always leave me cold, though. Your photography has so much more character and personality.
Thank you very much :)
I have to say that not all magazine pictures are too glossy and manufactured. Though, as most are, and I have very perticular taste, I hardly ever buy fashion magazines.
brave photos and thoughtfuls
Just wow!