
20 hours of daylight...! The only time I have experienced that is in Iceland. It's so surreal when the sunset and sunrise merge together like that. :) I had a hard time knowing when to sleep! Enjoy every last ray of light, you've earned it!

Well, it comes with a price, the same thing but reversed in the the winter :D Ahh, Iceland is one of the dream destinations on the travel list, it was probably awesome!

Maybe we can have SteemFest3 in Iceland. ;)

That would be insane, and we would be on an island so no one can escape...

Hahaha... yes, so true! @roelandp - I hope you're monitoring the blockchain for our devious suggestions! ;)

He is probably over in Amsterdam facepalming every time someone suggests yet another country :D

hahaha.. yeah, probably true. :)