Slipping to my old bad habits of going to bed after the sun rises. Though, to be fair, the sunrise it at 3.30am, so wouldn't even be the "normal" time to wake up anyways.
I went outside to take a few pictures of the pastel coloured sky, but couldn't actually see the sun yet, even though it's above the horizon already. It's hiding behind the trees and clouds, and not very vibrant. But on the north-west side of the sky, the sun is giving some pretty pastel tones to the sky.
Shot with the Nikon D7200 and Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8.
Don’t worry this will be my 9th night/day running of sleeping during the day and coming back to life at night - It’s funny how these patches of life come and go right??
Haha yeah, I’m not too far down the rabbit hole yet, but it is tempting me 😅
It always is :/ try cling on to the top a little longer Alice, I always fall back in but it always comes in cycles so don’t worry if you do it just means there’s something you’ve got to find out in the protection of the night that you wouldn’t of in the daytime (I mean that’s the bull I tell myself)
3pm, good morning.... officially down the rabbit whole ✌🏻😅
2pm for me too 😓 we’re in wonderland
Where is the tea party?
In our heads 😅😭
You go to bed after sun rises then you must study at night ?
It studying the only thing you can do at night? I’m not a student so no.
I study at night but not so much .
If you don't mind what is your profession ?
I'm a full time Steemian :D
After study if i want to be a full time steemian then how i can be ?
Ah the memories. I used to do that as well. Still remember those long summer nights when i just chatted in skype all night! :D
Now it’s just Steemit all night 😝