Photographs, the split seconds in them, can tell numerous stories, have impact on the viewer, and be used either for good or for evil. A well timed photograph can change the course of history, or shape the future. A picture can be a memory stored in a walled for years and only seen by few, or it can be broadcasted to the world by various social media sites or newspapers.
Photography is often said to be documenting, but it really is more of an art, and the one holding the camera has a lot of power over what he or she wants to show on the image. Crop a little from the left to remove other people from the picture, change the angle, focus on different subjects in the picture, blurring out others, and nowadays there is of course the unlimited possibilities of Photoshop.
Depending on who shares the image and what context its given, the narrative of the image can change drastically, to the point of twisting the truth, or even reversing the whole meaning of it.
I would advice everyone and anyone to view images in the media with a critical eye, especially if they are used as proof of an important event, or even a crime. Most media outlets have a political agenda, and they are very good at using powerful photographs to tell the story they want to tell, regardless of the truth.
Without me telling you anything about the image above, what do you see in it?
Write down your answer in the comments before proceeding to read the rest of this post.
I could make the image fit a number of different scenarios by creating a narrative around it, but I will tell you the real story behind the picture, at least the part I know about. It could have different meanings to the people in the picture, or people who know them closely.
This is a picture I took of @annester with hers and @cryptoctopus' baby girl, when a big group of us Steemians were having a tour of Auschwitz. Even though you can't really see any clear signs that this was taken in Auschwitz, it makes the image so much more special for those who now know where it was taken, at least that is how I feel about it myself.
The contrast between being in a place were such horrible acts agains innocent humans took place, and witnessing a mother and daughter have a lovely moment, is quite powerful.
Ps. @annester and @cryptoctopus, I hope you like the picture.
Here's what i see. A young woman and very cute baby in what might be a crowded room. it's cold. She's wearing headphones. A narrow street outside and a brick building. If i say anything else i would be making up a story. That can be fun. Then i read it's Auschwitz. Now what? I change my point of view. it becomes more meaningful? Yes. The image hasn't changed but the story takes on weight. This is a really good topic about words and art. An endless one that i think about all the time. Especially here on steemit.
I like making up stories in my head too when I see pictures. Isn’t is interesting how an image changes for you when you hear a little more about it?
When i go to an art exhibit or a gallery i usually avoid reading anything before looking. I guess i do the same thing here too ; )
Beautiful shot, the light is just amazing! And reading the story behind it makes it that much more impactful.
Thank you Alci! I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take a picture in this light and with such beautiful subject.
I don't know if my answer counts because I recognise the place and situation. I any case, I see a mum trying to comfort her baby - perhaps to keep her quiet because the environment requires it.
After reading the rest:
Yes! You're exactly right. It's such a special photo. ... And I had no idea cryptoctopus was there in Kraków.
You recognise it because you were there. That is one example of how a picture can be different for everyone.
Yes he was, we were the cool kids at the back of the bus. Me and the baby napping on the way back to Krakow.
This photo made my eyes water. I'm so happy for them to be sharing such a moment.
Eve, you captured something so special and important.
Thank you and, of course, @annester and @cryptoctopus for the most beautiful thing I got to see today.
I’m glad that I made you cry a little, that makes me know that the image I took has an impact, which is something I try to do.
Before I read any of the text I just focused on the people and with peripherial vision put together that they were on a bus. The reaction of the mother looked celebratory, like she was embracing a new journey. The individual mind certainly likes to put its own spin on things.
You certainly have a storytelling mind also and it’s funny how your mind imagineded a bus at first. I would be conserned if you weren’t consentrating on the mother and daugher as they are the subject.
This is my favorite picture of yours! I love it. You captured a great moment.
Check it out if you feel like it. My favorites are his black and white, especially the Early works. You might enjoy his work.
His pictures always told a story and made you wonder about it.
Your picture just had the same effect on me. Last year on my travels I met an old photographer who became a close friend. He passed away last winter after a full life, and I'm glad I got to meet that old grumpy eccentric man. Seeing your picture I immediately thought of him. He had a great talent of capturing "the moment". He'd spend a lot of time becoming invisible while waiting for the right shot. Had an intuition. Here's his website:
Hope to see more :)
Have a good day
Thank you very much. I just checked Ged Murray’s pictures and he was great at capturing people and emotions, really beautiful work. I’ll definitely save his site somewhere to have a further look.
well I see pure love on that image, babies learn feelings from their mothers. thanks to their mothers stimultations they can understand all kind of feelings, on this picture whe can see how the mother and his daugther touch each other sharing their temperature and caress saying to each other I LOVE YOU without any words.
really beautiful picture!
What I see ? I saw a woman full of love, I saw a baby who was very lucky to get love, and I saw an earphone was attached to her ear, as if to say Don't care what is next to you, let's enjoying life with love. Thanks for sharing love photography Mrs. @eveuncovered. God bless you
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