To Free the Nipple, or Not to Free the Nipple

in #photography8 years ago


That is the question I’d like to ponder on this fine summer evening. I’m a bit conflicted on this matter and here are a couple things for all of us to think about.


First of all, I am very lucky to live in the Western world. I don’t have to cover my legs, arms, or head. But I do have to keep my nipples, ass and pussy covered in public. And that is all fine by me, I don’t wish to be going around town with nothing to cover my tiny boobs. Maybe I wouldn’t mind taking my bikini top off on the beach some times, but that is quite frowned upon in Finland. We are not like the French.

Free the Nipple -movement is often too fucking much. Is the nipple a gateway to Free the Pussy, I’m afraid it might be.

Not Safe For Work

I’m very conflicted on this one. I know I have to use the NSFW-tag to make sure not to offend an innocent browser at work of dinner table with the wife. But then again, my posts are definitely not porn, or vulgar, at least I think so. I feel like the tag labels the post in to something it isn’t, and effects the visibility quite a lot. If you have followed me for a while, you might have noticed that I sometimes create ways to avoid the NSFW-tag. I’m sneaky like that. I do hate the fact that you can’t even view the title if you have the NSFW content hidden automatically.


In a world of easily available news, movies, tv, video games and porn, we are bound to be desensitized of what we see. Nudity, violence, suffering, we see too much and it’s hard to care anymore. I wish that things like that would still make an impact, make you feel SOMETHING. If I decide to show my boobs, on the internet, or in real life, I want it to have some sort of effect on the viewer.

You know the famous Janet Jackson nip slip moment? Well, that did have some effect, but the amount of shock, horror and utter disbelief it caused was an absolute farce. It should not have been such a big deal, really, we have all seen nipples, plenty of them. The fact that it was on national tv and by a world famous star, should not make the nipple that terrifying.

”It’s just skin!”

Feminists, I’m talking to you. Would you really wish that your boobs and nipples are to be viewed just another part of flesh, nothing special, nothing sexual. Would you want to walk in a street where someone would grab your boob like he would grab your arm. You are wearing your headphones when someone calls after you ”Oh excuse me Miss, you dropped your wallet”, and because you couldn’t hear him, he touches your boob, instead of your arm, to make you notice. That is okay because it’s just flesh, like your arm, or leg, right? NO.

”Think about the children!!”

That child you’re talking about, has been in close contact of nipples a lot more in the past couple of years than you have in your adult life. Wanker. He/she is fine.

In art

I’ve seen a lot of great artist on Instagram and other social medias, who have to blur out even their paintings(!) to not get reported/flagged. That is something that makes me extremely mad. What if Botticelli had covered her Venus up in clothes, the painting would definitely not have the same impact.

Then again, what is considered to be art. Picture is a picture but what makes a photo an art piece, instead of just a random snapshot.


The female figure is one of the most beautiful things in the world, along with nature. It is a fact that we enjoy looking at a naked female body a lot more than we do a naked men. Sorry guys. For centuries, and centuries to come, female body will forever inspire and allure people.


In conclusion, I think we should all have the option to show a little something something, but be sensitive to those who do not wish to see so much skin. Don’t go around town and shove boobs in to peoples faces. At least ask first. But also, if you see a nipple somewhere, without asking for it, don’t be a pussy about it. Let it be and move on. You probably have a choice to look elsewhere or close your eyes until the evil nipple goes away.

This turned out to be a bit of a rant, but oh well, I needed to vent. I hope at least some of you really read the whole thing (there might be a quiz later!) and I’d love to hear your thoughts on this matter.


Well, I enjoyed your rant. I grew up in Denmark... now live in the USA.

For me, it's now about whether your nipple is "free" or "not free," it's about how YOU-- as a person-- "carry" your lndividual choice. Are you comfortable or awkward with your choice? Why did you make your choice? Are you being "just another sheep," carried along by the pressure of some political statement, or do you just like how the sun feels on your boobs?

I'm not referring to you, in particular, but the "you" that is each individual woman.

With freedom (to do as you please) also comes accountability-- perhaps the "price" of freedom is having awareness of your surroundings, and who's in them, and how what you do impacts other. Situational ethics. Good judgment. As my wife likes to say "Be free, but don't be a dick."

Thanks for a thoughtful post!

Very well said. I totally agree that freedom does, or should, come with it's responsibilities. I think I would like your wife!

Nipples should be covered. It is a private part of your body and no one should be flaunting it willy nilly.

I vote, LET IT BE FREE! Very nice post and you're very pretty....It is pretty wild to think in some countries you would have to cover up from your neck to your toes.
Would never think twice posting something like this.
I live right down the street from a beach and clothing is optional. I think it is the best way to sunbath and everyone is born with two nipples.

Censorship is just crazy... A children get born by the act of sex, comes out from a pussy and sucks a nipple to get fed.. and it is forbidden to see it until it gets an adult.. But if the conversation keeps on going religions will come up.. My opinion is respect to others opinions, no need to fight about thoughts. The important is to feel good in our own skin :))

I don't think there is a problem with nudity in general. I agree with the nsfw tag because it allows people who do not wish to view nudity or sexual situations to filter that content.

I have children. One of my children uses Steemit. She has nipples too, I don't think she'd be traumatized by seeing them. My sons have unfortunately been influenced by the world around them, therefore they have been made to believe the naked body is "sexual" and "private". Personally I think this is absurd, but there is only so much I can fight it without my competence as a parent being called into question.

I am all for the tasteful nude, or even the tasteless nude. In today's world it has a place and that place is unique to each person. For that reason feel free to free the nipple, pussy, penis, anything you like to free ... just give people the option to opt out.

I do have to wander, what are kids doing on this site? I don't think this place is very well suited for youngsters, nsfw tags of not. Shit, if all the dumb stuff I posted as a teenager would be permanently saved to a blockchain, I'd be mortified :'D But thank you for sharing a view on this matter as a parent.

In the end it is impossible to please everybody, most important is that you are happy with your self. Keep being beautiful :)

Well ain't that the truth! Thank you for your comment :)

well structured article on nipple, I quit agree with you in all the point . Women body are the most adorable, women are specially created, seeing a naked pretty girl can make men g o crazy, that is why in my opinion i think that the nipple should be covered in a public place but should be freed in side the house. I love playing with nipple hahahah. nice work. keep it coming

I've never quite understood the taboo, women going shirtless was made legal in Canada back in 1995, but a woman couldn't take advantage without her blurred out torso showing up on the evening news. 'Woman Mows Lawn' is the story, the fact her sweater puppies were unsheathed seems unexceptional. In art I am a big proponent of the female form, there is a grace and elegance to the curves and texture that are beyond compare. Great rant.

What if we free the nipple and hide the rest? Just post nipples and removing everything else.

Is it ok for all then, or will it still be inappropriate?

We have a winner! Rule the world and there would be no wars! ;D

Well thought out piece, nuanced and thought provoking. You provided a good thought experiment with the bit about someone trying to get your attention while you're listening to music.

I think even as a guy I would be uncomfortable with someone tapping me on the chest to get my attention, it just feels very aggressive. Maybe it's a relic of evolution and wanting to protect our vitals? If someone tapped me on the throat to get my attention that also would be VERY uncomfortable.

Nipples should or shouldn't be covered only by the will of their owner! No other person should tell you what you can or can't do with your body. Nice post!

Agreed, I live in the Netherlands, and here it is not a crime for women to breast feed their baby in public for instance. In countries like the US they are so freakin hysterical about such things.

Yes, I think we are much more tolerant here in the Europe.

Love your posts/pictures. On the 'free the nipple question' though - possibly a difficult question for a guy to answer though!! I don't know :). Equality might suggest they should be allowed to be free (as in NY)!

Thanks and I'll take the "I dont't know" then :D

Yeah, that about it sums it up :D

But actually/personally I would support the NY regulations everywhere... I.e. If men can go around without wearing a top, the same should apply to women. But in practice I don't expect many would want to? ;)

The human body is beautiful. It's sad that some people freak out so much, meanwhile we're not afraid of all the naked animals on the planet, haha. Thanks for sharing your perspective. Onward and upward from a fellow plant lover!

I think it's often quite funny when people freak out about nudity, it's so surreal :D Thank you plant lover! :)

Enjoyed your rant, and it is true that the female body is a beautiful creation. I'm for freedom, people can view what they wish without being forced to see more than they desire. If you like nudity, go to a nude beach, if not, stay at the public swimming pool, simple enough!

I am glad to be living in a country of thousand lakes, there is always some deserted beaches to go nude in :D granted, probably frozen ones..

Maybe a different approach would be to look up; how we the human race found the need to cover ourselves?

It's fucking cold up here north, that's why xD

Agreed, and i did read it all, but I suck at tests. I also agree that females are much better in nude photos than men, well, except if the guy is naked and jumping up and down on a trampoline. That can be somewhat amusing, even for the most manly of men.

Haha yes definitely amusing, but not beautiful :D

It came to me that only 12 years ago in Islamic Tunis the beaches were full with topless girls. No one argued good it or bad. What changed since then?
I think many people now actively exploit the idea about "offending the feelings" for i don't know what benefits. Nipples are very convenient and "visible" argument. Yesterday I was almost eaten alive by aggressive Vegan. The same thing.

Ah, the ever so wonderful thing of having your feeling hurt about every fucking thing!

I'm interested to read your thoughts. I think we are essentially still working in a paradigm that requires one set of behaviour from all groups in society - all men should be strong and silent, all women should be meek (and covered up!) or whatever. Each society has its own rules on such matters, and many others besides, but we are as yet a long way from the open, mutually tolerant society that liberals like myself espouse. It's a shame. And yes, you're right about art too - no-one likes looking at us men. sobs Well, actually, no, I'm relieved, it takes the pressure off! :D

I don't see the big deal either. Deprivation is what causes all the pressure in my opinion. I remember being at a topless beach in Greece. Families were topless. Families. And the vibes could not have been more modest.

So more boobies for everyone!

It's a beautiful thing.

very touchy subject, but I enjoyed how you weighed both ends of the argument. well written and very tasteful pictures

It shouldn't be such a touchy subject, we do have quite a lot of bigger problems in the world. Thank you!

Wow, Hi @eveuncovered, I love your content, I follow you, if you like, you can give me a look at my post I would like to know your opinion on , greetings :)

So does this mean that men can also show a lil' sumpin then?
Does this offend you?

nudity is not a problem at all :D We would be more happy if we were going out on the streets without any clothes

I wove you.
Also , I'm all for free the Nipple -movement , just tell me where to vote.

It only took a nipple for Steemit users to actually leave comments. We are moving forward, together, one nipple at a time.

Freedom is what you make it. You can either go with your own flow or go with the flow of others...

Free the Fucking Nipple!

Always free it! I like your idea of free the pussy too.

@lenskonig this was an inspiring read. @eveuncovered I appreciate your openness in this topic and writing truth.

Alright with that. Actually I m doing a similar thing, just call it free the willy instead. Tired of explaining why as well ;)