Original Photos - Urban Photography

in #photography8 years ago

Black and white shots from the midwest.
Thanks for checking them out!

f 2.8 1/120


f 2.8 1/1,1000 sec


f 2.8 1/1,150 6.6 mm


f 2.8 1/1,000


f 2.8 / 6.6 mm / 1/300 sec



Those are some nice testimonies of the urban living @eyemapuppet. Upvoted

Great stuff. I really like the first and third one. Something about depth of field that intrigues me.

Love your pictures they're awesome!🌷

There is a kind of sadeness in those urban photos, @eyemapuppet. I doubt you've done it intentionally, but it's very good. Upvoted, resteemed & DPS.

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