Hello everyone! Today I'm going to write about what parameters to use to get the best pictures at night ... Even at parties or birthdays ...
1- As a material they would need a reflex camera, as far as possible, or semi-reflex
2-The white balance could leave it in automatic or in the one that best suits your environment.
3- I recommend a lot of shooting in "RAW" since if they do that later they can improve / edit their photos in lightroom
4- Parameters:
Manual mode
Flash: If you have an external one to be able to bounce the light better, otherwise you can use the built-in camera
Diaphragm: As open as possible
Shutter speed: between 1/60 and 1/125
Iso: Between 1600 and 2500
These are some recommendations from my non-professional position, which I hope can help them to get their best photo ...
I would like to leave you some examples of photos taken by me with and without flash ...
(With Flash)
(Whit Falsh)
(without flash but with the iso a bit higher) If you like this photos, you can leave it in the comments and I can create a post about how to create this effect called bokeh
I hope you can use these tips from an amateur, they are things that I learned over time and that I think will be very useful! Greetings...
good advice
Thank you!
as a dj working in a dark place this is really helpfull, Thank you.
Thank you very much! are you dj? I would love to be but I do not know how to start .. haha
Easy, start by watching videos on youtube ;)
Good post, I look forward to reading more.
Thank you! I hope to make more posts ... greetings
This sums it up quite nicely! This is probably going to help a few people, so nice post! Great that a fellow photographer is giving some free tips.
Thank you very much! greetings