Sabtu, 07 April 2018
Aku pergi melihat Keindahan Alam Pantai Laut Ujong Blang, ketika menyusuri tepi pantai, aku melihat nelayan yang sedang sibuk diperahunya dengan latar belakang matahari yang sungguh indah. Aku tertarik untuk mengabadikan keindahan itu, dengan kamera HP apa adanya, ku beranikan diri tuk memfotonya dan memvideokan momentum yang indah itu.
Inilah beberapa hasil karyaku, saya berharap semoga teman teman stemian suka melihatnya dan mendukung saya...
Saturday, April 07, 2018
I went to see the Natural Beauty of Ujong Blang Sea Beach, while walking along the shore, I saw the fisherman who was busy with the backdrop of the beautiful sun. I was interested to capture the beauty of it, with the HP cameras as they are, I ventured to photograph and videotape the beautiful momentum.
Here are some of my work, I hope that my stemian friends like to see it and support me ...
Semoga semua teman teman stemian menyukai karyaku ini. Steemit memang luar biasa, setelah menjadi stemian saya menjadi lebih kreatif dan inovatif. Semoga saya segera mampu membeli kamera professional, agar dapat mempersembahkan hasil yang lebih baik dan berkualitas.
May all my stemian friends love my work. Steemit is amazing, after becoming a stemian I become more creative and innovative. May I soon be able to buy a professional camera, in order to present better results and quality.
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thank you very much, your post is very valuable and can help me to succeed in community steemit. I am very happy to join this steemit community. I will follow you
how is beautiful photography it?this type of natural scenes is really looking so fantastic
thank you very much
Love the photos. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.
thank your very much joey. You can call me fero
keren om mantap banget luarbiasa anda jadi pingin
mksh om cantik...