Congratulations! Which camera did you decide to get? Have you gotten it all set-up the way you want, yet? All the buttons figured out?
I have a Canon RP right now and am waiting for the rumored "high resolution" one to come out this year for a new main camera. I'll have to replace some lenses, too, but that can be done over time.
I have the Nikon z6 no it's not really set up, I have been lazy and didn't even read the manual yet, but we can't really go anywhere. I did test it a's so great!! I'm using my old lenses and an adaptor for now but I do plan on upgrading them in time too if I like this tech.
Already camera shopping again!! Sometimes it's tough waiting for a tech to come out. Replacing lenses is a fact of photography life, it's always so expensive too. Your pretty happy with Canon eh?
I like a lot of what Canon has to offer, but did consider all the options. The first SLR I ever bought was a Nikon FM-10 but I switched to Canon for the 7D. The Fujifilm cameras look like a lot of fun, but they don't have full frame and the GFX line is beyond my budget.
The new Nikon mirrorless look like fun, too. A friend got the Z50 and loves it. The Z6 sounds like a very capable camera. How is it handling in cold weather?
I don't know yet, it's been fairly mild so far this winter the odd year Edmonton gets chinooks but the cold is coming so I'll find out soon enough. I did do a bit of a quick shoot for a friend the other day, it's nice so far.