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in #photography6 years ago

Regarding his photographs, as always my favorite is the rose, it is wonderful, but being honest, it was difficult to choose a favorite this week, because all the photographs are beautiful, I loved how the bokeh of the second photograph stayed. This past week, I was testing a tele-macro lens, which I do not use because it is very bulky and heavy and I have taken some photos that have been, in my opinion, quite well, I hope soon to be able to put together a publication to show the result of my photographic exercise
Well, for now I say goodbye, hoping that next week will be of great benefit to you and your family.Greetings Mr. @r2cornell, the application of HF20, for all has been terrible, in my case my voting power is small, and is completely canceled for several days, the system did not allow me to do anything, after waiting several days, only I was able to publish the photo contest post in which I am participating, but I could not even vote, because a single publication consumed all my resources, only today I could do something on the platform, and it has not been easy either because the internet service in my house, it has been terrible all day, at this time I have been able to enter steemit.


Referente a sus fotografías, como siempre mi preferida es la rosa, es maravillosa, pero siendo sincera, fue difícil elegir esta semana una preferida, porque todas las fotografías están hermosas, me encantó como quedo el bokeh de la segunda fotografía. Esta semana pasada, estuve probando un lente tele-macro, que no acostumbro a usar porque es muy voluminoso y pesado y he sacado algunas fotos que han quedado, a mi parecer, bastante bien, espero pronto poder armar una publicación para mostrar el resultado de mi ejercicio fotográfico.
Bueno, por ahora me despido, esperando que la semana próxima sea de gran provecho para usted y su familia.Saludos Sr. @r2cornell, la aplicación del HF20, para todos ha sido terrible, en mi caso mi poder de voto es pequeño, y quede completamente anulada por varios días, el sistema no me permitía hacer nada, después de esperar varios días, solo pude publicar el post del concurso de fotografía en el que estoy participando, pero ni siquiera pude votar, porque una sola publicación consumió todos mis recursos, recién hoy he podido hacer algo en la plataforma, y tampoco ha sido fácil porque el servicio de internet en mi casa, ha estado todo el día terrible, a esta hora es que he podido entrar a steemit.


This past week was rough in many ways, not just steemit's mess. Hopefully life's energy will ease up and we will have a smoother go as we enter into October. This weeks comments are much lower than normal. I thought that might happen.

Thank you in regards to comments of flowers. I calmed down as I started going through some photographs. Plus yesterday I did get a lot of my garden harvested and some good excercise which always helps.

Have a great evening.