I guess they have drive-thru 7-Elevens in my city now

in #photography8 years ago

I guess they have drive-thru 7-Elevens in the city now. Check out these pictures I took them a few hours ago. The cop at the scene seemed pretty angry that I was taking them, but who cares. This isn't the first time someone's drove their truck into a gas station because the pay at pump feature did not work properly20170726_180718.jpg. Hopefully no one was critically injured this time20170726_180731.jpg20170726_180814.jpg20170726_180704.jpg20170726_180843.jpg


Hey! Welcome back!

LOL thanks, I have a full time job now, So I wont be on as much as before. But ill try my best to be around when I see something like this :) I bet this guy was thinking fuck my life at this point.


Slushy with a side of crack


Oh thank heaven

yes someone no care for this and its make an accident @fuckmylife

Wow. What a durable truck.

Don't dodge it ... Ram it. I guess the guy took the commercials literally.

Anyone looking for a contractor.... I hear this guy is really good.