Hello again!
As I thought the job wasn't done when I photographed the church from afar in a previous OPED post I went and photographed it some more Yesterday. Here are some of the photos:

Churches can be overwhelming in near proximity
The Church of Hollola, originally the catholic church of Pyhä Maria (Holy Mary), is one of the more prestigious monuments in the Lahti region. It was built in 1495-1510.

On the southside we can see the front door and the looming bell tower shadow.

The bellfry

I'll make the bell tower and more photos of it into its own post later.
I hope you liked these!
A little health update here. I am feeling somewhat better today. I wonder what it was that struck me Yesterday. I will be monitoring my body a bit more closely now. Maybe it's my sleep rhythm making me susceptible to all sort of things, so I'll definitely be correcting it again.
We decided we are going to buy that piece of land we were offered. Now we need to figure out the crypto to fiat transaction and resulting taxes in a reasonable way.
Oh, and I just got something via UPS, that I'm going to examine closer (with photos) later today.
See ya!
[Previous post: One photo every day: The descend. (239/365)]
If you liked the post, consider buying me a beer:

They really spent time to design the church, because it really looks beautiful and we'll built. And good architectural design.
It is one of the medieval stone churches in the historical province of Tavastia. Out of some of them, only ruins remain.
Thatz really interesting @markkujantunen. Thanks for the education.
Excellent picture. My wife and I are Catholics out of conviction, I showed him the photos and he liked the church for its beauty, she is very cold or does not like cold areas very much. She told me: Love, the church is beautiful, but I would like to go in summer! That caused me a bit of laughter for the same situation that does not like the cold, but to me, it is the opposite of me if I like the cold areas.
I see that you will be given that opportunity to buy the land portion, I wish you much success, in buying your share of land ..
It's good that you have the accurate advice of his friend Mr. Markkujantunen, who is celebrating his anniversary today at steemit.
Greetings friend
Is it popular church (in Lahti) for weddings? I guess every city has the most favourite one. I’m not quite familiar with this church, but it seems from photo it is still in active use. 🤔
That church is very much in active use.
That first picture in B/W stunned me, wow good luck in dealing with taxes and stuff. I need to know about how does this vero system works when it comes to crypto, hope you will share another update about finnish taxation so that it would be useful for people like us, good luck and hope you feel better in no time xx
Any profits from selling cryptocurrencies are taxed as capital gains. For gains up to €30,000 per year the tax is 30 percent and of the amount exceeding that the percentage is 34. Losses are not deductable from capital gains. Yes, that sucks but that's the way it just is.
Omg really :o ?? I thought until 30,000€ is like normal tax rate and after that it’s 30% but I think cant we deduct the amount we investment right ? Or is that taxable too I wonder ahah #vero :P
What I meant is that if your capital gains are at most €30,000, you will pay 30% as capital gains tax. Of the portion of your capital gain exceeding that sum, you pay 34%.
Let me illustrate what this means with an example:
You buy one bitcoin and pay €10,000 for it. Later, you sell that one bitcoin for €50,000. Your capital gain was €40,000 the year you sold it. The amount of tax you pay is 0.3€30,000+0.34(€40,000-€30,000) = €9,000 + €3,400 = €12,400.
Of course you can deduct the sum you paid for the security you sold.
But if you sell bitcoins or other cryptocurrency at a loss, those losses cannot be deduced from any other capital gains at all. But if you sell, for example, stock at a loss, that loss can be deduced from your capital gains (including crypto gains).
By "normal tax rate" I assume you mean your income tax rate. Income from work and capital gains are taxed entirely differently.
Aaaa okay , now I got it what you meant , thanks for the detailed explanation and sorry for the trouble :) xx
No worries. I did write a bit unclearly. There were words missing from the original comment (now corrected).
https://www.vero.fi/en/individuals/tax-cards-and-tax-returns/arriving_in_finland/dividends_from_abroad_capital_gain/ does this makes any sense :-? @markkujantunen
Looks like it is the same for foreigners. If you're unsure I recommend you to contact someone who works for the Tax service just to be sure. You don't want to be in a situation where you haven't paid taxes :D
Yes sure and of course not, I dont mind paying taxes at all :D, but even though foreigners pays taxes but don't have a privilege like locals in the most places. In the end of the day may be 'Money matters' no matter what ;) :D :P
If you are liable to pay taxes in Finland due to your residency, you are also entitled to healthcare and welfare.
Yes , that’s true also. I don’t know if I could integrate or not with locals, if integration is going to be difficult, when I’m happy or sad there won’t be any person to share, then it’s not fun anymore to live in the country. I used to live in kokkola, it’s very difficult to make friends, I just left from there since I wasn’t happy.
Averagely how many hours you are sleeping! Yeah it might raise health issues! Anyway you made a great collection of photography of a church again! I like your corner photography of a building!@gamer00,
Maybe 3 to 4 hours, some days on weekends I oversleep >12h...
Man, you need to try and sleep a healthy 6-9 hours per night. If you're constantly overtired you become accident prone and may develop serious health issues.
@gamer00 - Sir once I watched a movie named as Van-Helsing... These photography reminds me it Sir... A beautiful Church & you took that beauty on your camera so well Sir...
So glad to hear you are stronger today and could do more photography!
The simple looking church turns out to be quite impressive and big construction when looking by the side perspective!
This is a very old solid building with so many big rocks on its wall! Do you think the bell tower is much younger in age?! Quite different architecture design!
There is a strong energy about this church too!
Keep well and sleep a lot too!
The evening sun actually worked well in that session.
Here's a list of medieval stone churches in Finland.
We decided we are going to buy that piece of land we were offered. Now we need to figure out the crypto to fiat transaction and resulting taxes in a reasonable way.
So, Kukkila it is.
Bitcoin seems to be recovering. It will be interesting to see how high it will go in the near future as in within the next few months.
The monochrome makes the stones pop!
Beautiful, it's just beautiful.
It's like sun decided to complement and team up with you to make better photos.
I demand more churches, visit every church in Finland and take a photo of it :d
You did well with those photos.
I even have goosebumps it means that you succeeded. Make more photos, I want you to grow as a photographer.
Awesome photos, and great to hear that you are feeling a bit better now :). More time for Steemit now!
Usually when there is something wrong with your body it's the work of bad sleep rhythm. (At least for me)
Good luck with taxes and stuff...
As I said before I really like the black and white photo of the church, also the place is really big, the real size isn't appreciated with the previous photo, in this set it is appreciated a lot, it's huge. Congratulations for deciding to build the log house and the best of luck with taxes they are all a pain in the ass no matter the country.
Amazing clicks!!!!! Hope you are doing alright!!! Have some rest and come back!!!
Its literally good to show your photographs with a little description about the place. You have a nice professional to get an image from different angles where the picture looking outclassed. The Church pics looks cool and fantastic. :)
fantastic photography of your last day experiences. the above photography very suited to a wallpaper photography. impressive captures. @gamer00
Wow its an amazing photography! Like your photo capture. Every photos was perfect capture.
Good series! I enjoy the lighting and the second photograph in particular. Followed.
Lovely photos and very interesting churches! Take care of yourself, my friend and successful deal with the lands ! Thank you @gamer00
All the pictures have been very nice. I know you're the best photographer. Your photography skills are awesome.I liked the B & W picture of the church.I consider you to buy one beer because I liked this post :) :D @gamer00
Splended photography,
Great work
All click are amazing,but 1st one i like most,
Thanks for sharing @gamer00
Wooow wonderful photography shining in second photo is very beautiful it looks natural snow fall in third photoand forth photo is awesome i love these two because i love snow and snow falling keep sharing
God bless you
Which country is this in?
Read the tag! It's a Finland.
Outstanding creativity of your capture. B&W capture most better architectural one. Amazing build up churches smart traditionally.
Best selection.I'm happy to hear you're feeling somewhat better @gamer00.
I feet so amazed by seeing these images . You take a amazing photos . Thanks for sharing with us @gamer00
great shots and wonderful land deserve your money lol
beautiful sir..i like them..and i wish you a very speedy recovery :)
WOW, this Charch is so beautiful . . . It's awesome
Glad to hear that you are feeling better now
Stay blessed and waiting for the other photos that you got via UPS
What a great photos , Finland look like great place i must to come to a visit once
Pretty church, and great photos :) thanks for sharing
Goodness, this Charch is so excellent . . . It's amazing
Happy to hear that you are feeling better at this point
Remain favored and sitting tight for alternate photographs that you got through UPS
Mind explaining me what you did here?
wrote:Here's what @aliza01
Here's what you wrote:
Look at the timestamps and tell me you weren't just copying and replacing words here and there.
This needs proper explaining because my flagging finger is twitching as I write.
Edit: Okay, I went through some of your comments and deduced you are either a bot, or someone trying to game the system. In either case you deserve a flag.
Nice post, I'll try to post more pictures from Finland as well :), you inspired me to be more social on this new platform. Kippis..!!
Bloody Green W. Hell, do you ever learn?
It isn't nice to post other people's comments as your own. Consider yourself flagged again.