The Legend of "Bukit Batu" translation: "stone hill"
Located in Indonesia, Borneo, Central Kalimantan.
Meaning of Bukit Batu
Bukit Batu, are mountains around Indonesia with a deep Dayak culture meaning.
These extraordinary formed rocks,
are made from nature and have a huge spiritual attraction.
King of Rulers
Bukit Batu is the residence of the King of Rulers. Only certain people who have a spiritual high level are able to interact or even see him.
Sacrifices for the King of Rulers
People are bringing sacrifices for example chickens, goats and even cows. In addition, they also put yellow cloth along the places where they begged for success, a good life or different things. Therefor are the sacrifices.
Therefore you should respect the culture and avoid disturbing or doing unnecessary things, like throwing trash around or engrave your name into the stones.
Home of Ghosts
In here everyone strongly believe,
that Bukit Batu is attractive to ghosts and a home of ghosts.
Me as a traveler believe in it too, since I have been there.
The energy you feel around this area is unusual.
The Area around Bukit Batu
Beauty of Nature
The beauty of the nature and of the jungle around Indonesia is incredible, but sadly most of the jungle got cut down and burned by people already, for creating palm oil farms most of the area is not even being used, so it's a shame that people destroy the jungle for basically nothing. A huge amount of animals for example Orangutans and plants become extinct because of this.
If you would like to help and change something you should check out
BOSF - Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation.
It is a company who is helping Orangutans who got lost, got no place to live, got no mother, and never learned skills for surviving. After they got teached how to survive they get into a special place which is untouched by humans, where no one disturbs them. It is worth to take a look.
Thank you for reading. In the future I will post more pictures of my journey with some content about culture, nature and people. Please leave your opinion in the comment section.
great sharing
I would love to share more, right now quite busy sadly, thanks a lot tho!
Nice photo series
thank you, I appreciate it a lot!
Nice photos series and followed.
Thank you! I followed back :)!