Wow you have quite the fruit forest coming along @sallybeth23!! The rose/water apple sounds intriguing, I have never heard of or tasted it before. Is it able to grow anywhere or just the tropics? I'd love to try and grow it here on the med!
I had also never seen ginger or turmeric plants before - strange to say that as I use them in my cooking but never thought of them past the root part! I will try planting some ginger next time I buy some. Can you just plant it as is in the ground?
Wonderful and inspired gardening. Upvoting and resteeming this for my gardening followers to see!
Thanks for such a thoughtful comment @gardeningchef Yes plant ginger straight into the ground, keep it moist and warm.. I planted some successfully once in Spain The rose apple may grow for you I am not sure . I bet in a plastic convered polytunnel where you could increase humidity they might well work. They so want to grow here that as you take out the big seeds here from the center of the fruit very often they are already sprouting green leaves!!!! Just extraordinary how things love to grow here!
Rose apple seeds might work .... shall I try seeding you a seed? 🤣
Ginger wise - outdoor or undercover?
Yes I'd love a rose apple seed if you can send me one!