This is a budding zinnia from the Maine Coastal Botanic Gardens in Boothbay, Me. I took this photo with my iphone 6+ in the end of July. I apologize for not taking photo this weekend. I am traveling so I used a photo from a couple weeks ago. I hope I'll be forgiven :0)
ps. I tried uploading with steemimg, but I just get that little rocketship photo :-(
Use this from > Embed codes
Helpful, thanks !
Just copy and paste this into your post >
also you can upload a higher res photo, the limit is 20MB
I never have any problems using imgur and copying the direct link if that helps?
yeah, that's always my method too : )
Photo Judge- if you are reading this...

I was away for the weekend totally preoccupied with friends and family. I wanted to edit the original post to put in the link for the larger format of the photo, but I guess Edit does not work after 24 hours. Regardless, here it is: