Photography: From being almost blind to capturing the beauty of life.

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


Hello my name is George, for most of my younger years I was almost clinically blind. I could not see anyone clearly 5 feet from my face when I had no glasses on. In the morning I would have to use my fingertips to feel for my bifocal glasses on my nightstand for I could not see them. Needless to say I was teased and bullied greatly as a child, yet that did not prevent me from being a creative soul. As I grew older the vision became worse, I was rejected by the military and my driving was limited. There was days and night I would pray to God to help me find a way, to help me to see that which all else did. The constant bullying and lack of vision was taking a toll on me emotionally, spiritually and physically.

Then one day my prayers were answered and I met a doctor called Alphonso Ponce in New York City who told me he could repair my eyes. I found this extremely hard to believe, but I had hope and most importantly faith. After a few micro surgeries, my vision was restored to the point that I did not need glasses any longer, I could actually see. It was on that day that I promised the heavens that I would capture life and all its beauty for the world to see.


My journey has taken me to heart of the wild, to places few travel, to the promise land that society forget and long abandoned. I have found refuge in the wild among God and nature and have come to terms with the serenity that resides there. Even though the terrains can be deadly and the wild life there dangerous I still travel forth to document my life's journey.


For those whom have had perfect sight all their lives, they do not realize what they take for granted on a daily basis. What others wish they could see for just a brief moment. To lose sight is a horrible tragedy, not being able to see those you love, or that which God created is in itself a horrible fate. Life is beautiful, amazing, wonderful, magical and an utter mind blowing experience. You just need to leave your comfort zone to go witness it. You just need to open your eyes to see that which you take for granted on a daily basis. You may be surprised by what may exist right before you that you failed to notice.


So many people fear darkness or living in darkness, yet those with little sight or no sight live in this darkness everyday. Many do not complain about it even though they wished like I did that they could see. Alas I was a lucky one, yet I never really told anyone my story. Those who bullied me as kid never really understood my pain, my sadness, my depression and the times I thought I could not go one. Yet I did for my faith was strong and my will to exist was stronger, and thus God granted unto me the greatest gift I could ever ask for. That my friends was my vision, my sight. A gift blessed unto me so that I could see the beauty of life and the face of my child clearly.


So with that being stated my friends, open your eyes, love your life, take not for granted your vision or the beauty of life. Instead embrace, cherish it, capture it, document it and share your journey as I share mine. Remember that darkness does exist, but when your eyes are open it can appear more beautiful than ever imagined.


I humbly thank you for finding some joy in what I write or the photos I take. Take care, God bless and Steem on.
I am off on another adventure to make the most of this gift called sight and this wonderful thing called life.


Feel free to comment, share or tell me what you think and/or your experience.
You guys rock, and I wish you only the vest best.

With much love and respect, George Mercado


wow! great story and great pictures!

Thank You kindly, it has been a very blessed journey and one that I am ever honored to share. I see you are a photographer as well, expect a follow from me. :)