That's a shockingly low payout for this quality. I was shooting hotels and BnB's for 500px for a few months, and it was a similar story. They wanted 60 edited images from a 3 hour shoot. That included window replacements (exposure blending), perfectly straight verticals (and I mean more vertical than in real life) and extremely accurate colour balance. The photos were for Trivago, like! Who the feck is going to notice that the bedside table is a tiny bit not vertical or that one corner of the room needs a very slight bit more cyan? They nit-picked so much that I told them to go scratch. I wasn't the only one who was having issuse with their QC because now they do all the editing, but the pay is less and they want more photos.
It was fine for me at the time because I had just started my business but now that I've more clients I thankfully don't have to lower myself to that.
Great portraiture by the way.
Its crazy how demanding some clients/business can be. I know we all need to pay our bills but expecting that much work so such a small payment is just crazy. Glad to hear you've more clients and don't need the hotels/bnb jobs.