Grand Opening 20% Discount
Coupon Code: HV2821
The time has finally come. ZenXart.com is live!! As a Grand Opening gift to everyone we are giving a 20% discount on all orders. Below you will see some samples of our art work and photography and we donate 10% of each sell to an animal shelter.
From Our Deep Art Collection!
From Our CurlArt Collection!
From Our Photography Collection!
From Our Artography Collection!
From Our Black And White Collection!
From Our KaleidaArt Collection!
From Our ColorSplash Collection!
If You love Art, Photography, and Animals you need to visit ZenXart.com
They offer art and photography downloads and donate 10% to animal shelters.
"Welcome to ZenXart.com, “The Art That Matters”. Like so many other people, we just want to make a difference in the world! For us one of our greatest passions in life is animals. If you love art and animals like us, then you're in the right place, when you buy art through ZenXart.com 10% of the sale will go to an animal shelter. So you’re getting great art and helping animals at the same time. Learn more about donations here. All art and photography on ZenXart.com are digital downloads and will come in a file size large enough to print up to a 60X40 print or canvas with no watermark. Don't forget to visit the Furbabies page!"
Hello there.
Hello , It's Been Awhile LOL
Back again?
Posted using Dapplr
LOL, NO Just posted here to see if it would help my next journey in life and it did not. HIVE is truly a shit platform. GOOD LUCK
LOL, @themarkymark listen here dushbag you can try to censor me on hive , which is supposed to be censor resistant, but it's all lies by the hive whales. Give me a fucking break, you dushbags know down votes by big accounts are censorship, It's ok though you guys just keep running hive into the ground. I know it's all about you whales making money, Don't worry I didn't get any website hits from HIVE. But I Did Get over 3000 From STEEM and BLURT, and over 10,000 from Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I guess HIVE is really a shit platform.
Show me where you are censored. I can see everything perfectly fine.
LOL, you know I'm Right. I don't really even care any more, you and your buddies were downvoting my stuff so it did not even show 7 months ago I can see you have changed some things and it is showing now. Anyway have fun sucking the life out of HIVE. I was a hodler of HIVE until you and your buddies showed me I was not welcome and I sold everything and put it into BTC, ETH and LTC. LOL, Thank You by the way, you fuckers made me alot of money by forcing me to not believe in HIVE. Hopefully you will all learn how to treat people right and save HIVE before it is just you whales left. Good luck