Allamanda cathartica is a plant commonly referred to as Allamanda flowers and is also commonly referred to as gold trumpet flowers, yellow bell flowers, or buttercup flowers. The natural flower comes from Central and South America and is commonly found in Brazil where the flower is commonly used as a decoration because of its beautiful shape.wikipedia
Here I am going to show you some pictures of Allamanda flowers taken using a smartphone camera.

The Allamanda flower is known to have several medical functions, one of which can be used as a laxative. The sap of this plant has antibacterial properties. Alamanda flowers also have anti-biotic properties against Staphylococcus bacteria. This plant flower is also commonly used as a remedy to prevent complications from malaria preventing and swelling of the spleen. In addition, the roots can also be used to prevent jaundice.wikipedia

When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower. @harferri brother MASHALLAH its so beautiful.. Alway take pepper care of it
Wow .wonderful. very beutiful flower colours and this colour is attractive. You captured good photos.
what an amazing beauty of flower, and nice benefits. I love flowers.
Gambar photography bunga yang sangat menakjubkan,saya kagum dengan hasil gambar yang begitu keren,semoga sukses selalu ya
Bunga kuning yang indah, semoga harimu menyenangkan
Wow, bunga yang cantik, apa nama bunganya bg
Kuning yang begitu menggoda, selanjutnya terserah anda hehe
And now Allamanda cathartica has a pantropical geographical distribution. Great picture !
I did not know the benefits of this plant. Where I live there are many of these beautiful plants, it was very productive to visit your blog.
flowers are so beautiful really amazing @harferri..
Excelente post, linda flores gracias por compartir esta belleza de las naturaleza en nuestra comunidad de steemit!!
So beautiful! 💛💛