It caught my attention quickly reading the title of your post, because the truth, I think I am a person who can give you an adequate response. No more than many residents of my country, but a general idea i can give.
I think that the medical services will not work as hard as they would when be paid correctly for what they do, I think it is natural in all work, but when we talk about medicine we talk about something more human, which is a more delicate issue. I am surely all those who offer medical services will doesn't want to provide a some bad experience to us, we are talking about of life of other people. But when money is involved, everything can happen..
You were a pilot? I can not believe you're such a multifaceted person. Interesting, sponge.
I guess you could say I am easily bored. After a few years of one thing, I move to the next. If I could find and airport and safe airplanes to fly, I would still be flying.