I think it is ok to process the photos as you want to create the art that is in your mind. It's not fair... we don't have such beautiful skies here hehe. They are stunning on any photo you would like to compose over it :D now on this photo there is something that doesn't convince me.. I don't know if it is the color or maybe the perspective of the house but I really like the concept.
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Thanks for answer! To combine the elements from to different photos made in two different conditions, always the most tricky part is to make them look natural - to make the light on both elements looks natural... The house was made during day light! So... I think maybe the colours are something that can disturb the view... I was trying to make the light cold, dark and only little saturated. The perspective on the building is an effect of use 16mm lens, I didn't work much on this one :D. Thanks once more, every opinion matters for me!