In this picture I exposed for about two minutes, which you can also see quite well in the star tracks. During the exposure I walked around the tree with a flash and flashed at it several times.
Bei diesem Bild habe ich ungefähr zwei Minuten belichtet, was man auch ganz gut an den Sternspuren sehen kann. Während der Belichtung bin ich dann mit einem Blitzgerät um den Baum gelaufen und habe ihn mehrfach angeblitzt.
Incredible what I learn about photography. Thank you for sharing this knowledge and these beautiful photos.
nice capture
Beautiful picture sir, good job
@cgastra, thank you
@chetanshetty, thank you sir
@wwwdotgotodotmu, Thank you very much! I am very happy that you like the pictures and that you can even learn something. I like to share my knowledge, if something is unclear just ask. ;)