Beach is not about the water. Sometimes you would find some little things that amaze you.
Don't you love the flower's vibrant color?
Even dead creatures still show their beauty.
And of course, you can create your own pretty little things.
(Note: photos were taken in Sikuai Island, West Sumatra and Nias, North Sumatra)
Wow. Good, I like flowers but do not like to plant 😅 followback kaka agar kita bisa saling berbagi
informasi 😊
Wah sama doong @sastranurul saya jg ga suka nanam bunga, tp suka liatnya. Hmm mending tanam sayuran kalo saya mah hahaha. Ok fokkback yah...
Wkwk. Kalo gitu saya lebih suka makan sayuran dari pada nanam sayuran. Hehe😅
Oke sipp. Udah kak