The Beach - La Costa / Serie Panoramics! Episodio 09 Sinisanic Edition

in #photography6 years ago

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La Costa norte de Maracay esta ubicada en el parque nacional Henri Pittier, ademas de poseer una gran variedad de playas, bien hermosas es tambien el hogar del mejo cacao de toda venezuela, en semana santa de este año 2018 me aventure a vacacionar en la costa de Choroni, he aqui una panoramica del primer dia en La Costa.

The North Coast of Maracay is located in the Henri Pittier National Park, besides having a great variety of beautiful beaches, it is also the home of the best cocoa of all venezuela, in Easter of 2018 I venture to vacation on the coast from Choroni, here is a panoramic view of the first day in La Costa.