Bunga eforbia memang sangat menarik dengan bunganya yang bermacam macam warna ada yang putih, merah muda dan lainya. Bunga eforbia sering di sebut bunga berduri yang di tanam sebagai bunga penghias tanaman karna bunganya yang cantik dan Indah.
Tetapi kita juga harus berhati-hati dengan bunga eforbia walaupun cantik akan tetapi berbahaya, karna jika terkenak durinya maka akan menyebabkan kanker dan bukanya hanya kanker tapi bisa juga penyakit lainya yang pastinya berbahaya.
The flower of eforbia is very interesting with the flowers of various colors there are white, pink and others. Eforbia flower is often called a spiny flower that is planted as a flower decorate plants because beautiful and beautiful flowers.
But we also have to be careful with eforbia although beautiful but it would be dangerous, because if the durian will cause cancer and not only cancer but can also other diseases that must be dangerous.