Alms for the poor my friend?
I have no issue with what you are doing.
I know that you are not using a program to do it.
I am not a prideful person, I don't mind asking for help when I need it.
This is my second week on steemit. This site is making me fall in love with social media again. It is the first site to reward people for their work, and interactions. I wrote my last post of this. I'm very excited to see it. But I am just a little fish in this great sea.
I know that you are just maximizing the time and investments of your labors with the upvotes. You did create a lot of quality stuff, I have not read all of your stuff but from what I did read you have added much value to this site. I see no harm in rewarding yourself while you are not interested in participating in the community. After all Upvoting yourself is not in violation of the terms and conditions of Steemit.
Here is my proposition. I want to add value to this site. I would ask that you sacrifice one of your weeks and add value to my comments instead. Believe me you will not regret this one weeks loss of income. I promise will never again, ask you for an upvote. If you decide to follow me and would like to reward the value I have contribution that will be at your sole discretion.
Also it will be logged into the blockchain forever "proof" that you are not using robots to navigate the site, in violation of Steemit rules and conditions.
Or you can take the more gainful way out, responding to my post declining my proposition. Either of which will render "proof" that you are not using robots to navigate the site. Which will be good for you.
"Yea have not, cause yea ask not"
I'm not prideful to ask, I promise you your weeks sacrifice will not be in vain.
Thank you good Sir for your consideration.
I look forward to your response.
"Fortune favors the bold"