So, several months ago I fell hard on this bum!!! I ‘m not blaming anyone or specify the location but here is something to entertain you. I promise it’s a very true story,....
I fell so hard on my ass when opened the door to get off, that I lost the wind out of me for a good couple of minutes. Seriously, those are two photos to prove of my epic fell. I hurt for a few months but then later life must go one. I’m good to go!!!
And as always, until we meet again, have a wonderful day.
:( oh!!!
are you ok now?
Yes, about 6 weeks later
Happy to see you in good health :)
hahaha its funny
Hehe,I can laugh with u now.
hehehe... maybe this could be an unforgettable event by you
dont forget vote me. hehehhe
Uff!!! That had to hurt!!!!
How do you feel now @islandliving?
I’m good now