My acoustic guitar photo section

Hello a pleasure to greet you I hope you are well, in this occasions I want to share some pictures of my acoustic guitar outdoors, one of my qualities is music. Music forms a big part of my life I play electric bass and guitar since I was 9 years old and the truth is that it is one of the things I like the most in life, music is the most, connects you with another universe and for that moment you feel that everything is as it should be, I mainly learned to play electric bass, then I wanted to learn the acoustic guitar and I bought a acoustic guitar brand [paganine], that is my guitar today.

I have to thank my father Pedro Ibañez, @ pedroisrael, because thanks to him I learned to play, since he was little he enrolled me in music schools and thanks to that I have the knowledge of now, it feels very good when your parents support you since you are a child, in any activity, because when you feel the support of your parents you feel that you can do it all because they are by your side encouraging you, I know that many children and young people do not have this support from their parents and the truth is very sad since the support of the parents is fundamental for any things that we want to undertake.

As a friend told me, it is not the camera that takes incredible photos, it is the photographing who creates them, and I noticed that it was true because with the Nikon camera I still took not very good photos, until I started to grab practice and after a week I dared to share my first photography post, my acoustic guitar, even though I'm not an expert taking pictures, little by little I'm learning and capturing moments every time more artistic and professional, without more to say here the photo section.

It is a little used but still does not lose its great beauty.

I hope you liked it, little by little I will learn more and I will be uploading pictures every day better, a greeting to the entire STEEMIT community, greetings to all readers and curators, greetings to all the team of @cervantes, thank you for your support. An excellent job every day make it better
** Original post by @ israelbass **
** Photos taken by @ israelbass **
** Photos taken with my camera Nikon coolpik L830 **