Spider Up Close

in #photography6 years ago

I think this is the biggest spider of this species I have ever seen. It is also very ambitious, judging by its decision to build a web across a doorway to my friend's house.


I don't know enough about this species to interpret its behavior, but I suspect it is trying to repair damage caused by recent rain, as evidenced by the droplets on everything. Then again, it is fairly late in the day, and orb weaver spiders tend to eat their old webs before spinning a new one. In fact, as I was writing this, I stepped over the door for another look, and the spider has retreated to the door frame as if to take a nap.


Must be spider season in a lot of places, we have them here in Alaska lately, (well always here except winter), and this is the forth post I have seen about spiders. those are some spiky legs on that critter.

awesome picture - resteemed - now following you

She looks much like my Cat Faced spider that lives around my kitchen window. They are so cool and such great hunters, judging by the quickness with which she has grown. Yours has some cool colorings!

Yup. Same species. Wonderful bug eaters. I have seen them eat yellowjackets.

We need armies of trained orb weaver spiders that will seek and destroy/eat yellow jackets!

that was a perfect shot and also that spider is pretty cool!

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Wow, what a beast 😮 really good close up, well done