Oh please, ramble away! I have nobody in RL to talk about these things with (at least without their eyes glazing over) so it's always nice to compare notes!
Street photography made me a bit lazy in a way. I would always just set the camera by aperture and let it do its thing as I rarely needed to adjust settings anyway. I need to play around with manual settings more, I'm not as technically proficient with a camera as I'd like to be. Street is my first real passion but I do like to play with other styles too. Although equipment is a bit of a barrier also (I have no lighting stuff for example).
I'm really enjoying it on Hive so far, seems to be some really nice people here!
I know that feeling of eyes glazed over when you start to talk shop and deeper photographic theory with people. The moment you find someone you can talk about the technical rubbish about, the faster you both develop!
I am glad you're enjoying your time here so far!