Hello dear readers, during the last of my daily (and partly also nightly) walks through settlement and forest I especially liked the impressive cloud constellations in the sky, so that I decided to take some photos and process the most beautiful ones into a 'cloud post'. I hope you like the images and, if I remember correctly, @tangmo especially likes pictures of sky and clouds ... :)
Hallo liebe Leser, beim letzten meiner täglichen (bzw. teilweise auch nächtlichen) Spaziergänge durch Siedlung und Wald gefielen mir die eindrucksvollen Wolkenkonstellationen am Himmel ganz besonders gut, so dass ich mich dazu entschloss, einige Fotos zu machen und die schönsten davon zu einem 'Wolkenpost' zu verarbeiten. Ich hoffe, euch gefallen die Bilder und, wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, mag ja @tangmo Aufnahmen von Himmel und Wolken ganz besonders gerne ... :)

Oh! It's my great pleasure that you mention me in your post. Ah! Yeah! You remember correctly....and I am really happy about that.....
Let me say..... A million WOW for these wonderful clouds and beautiful bright blue sky!!! I love all of your photos;
the scatter of the white clouds, the blue sky, the buildings on both sides and in the far distance and the trees make the 1st picture look perfect....
the big cloud in the 2nd is wonderful and looks so soft.....
the huge clouds in the 3rd and 4th have very amazing formation. And they look much more magnificent with the big marvelous sun and the gorgeous sun rays in the sky (3rd) and the sunlight on the ground makes beautiful shadow (4th)....
the amazing trees in the forest with the wonderful clouds and beautiful sun in the background make the scenery look much more fascinating..... (5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th)
And let me say..... Infinity thanks for these special photos..... Excellent capture! These make me feel refreshed and very much happy now! ;))
I highly appreciate for your great support.... ;)))
I also ... that my memory is still working, haha. :)
You are welcome!
Haha! I think your memory always works well. And that's very nice of you! ;))
sehr schäne Wolkenbilder! schau auch gerne mal beim #lovetheclouds contest vorbei ;)
Sehr stimmungsvolle Aufnahmen! Bei uns sah es heute Nachmittag ganz ähnlich aus....
Ein Gefühl von frei sein macht sich breit.
Ja, das stimmt, im Freien, in der Natur, hat man manchmal das Gefühl, viele Zwänge des Alltags hinter sich lassen zu können.
You got a good shot blue sky sun rays and silhouette of the trees....I love images of the clouds..every morning and evening sit by the window or stand at the balcony look at the clouds after sunset.
Nice to read that you like my pictures.
Wow, this is absolutely great view. Good quality images 👌
Thanks! :)
Beautiful shot.
Happy Easter, friend.
Thanks, and same to you! :)
Sehr schöne Bilder!
Schöne Aussichten :)
Hoffentlich auch im figurativen Sinne ... :)
Great sky photos!!
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Wow excellent photography.
Have a nice day Thanks @jaki01
Beautiful sky. nice shots