Rescue of a dragonfly. / Rettung einer Libelle.

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


A few days ago I suddenly noticed a loud rustling or rattling in the chemistry lecture hall, then looked over at the windows and noticed a large dragonfly trying to find its way out of the room.
Since I have no fear of contact with insects, I went to the window, carefully grabbed the magnificent creature from above at the thorax and released it into freedom. But before that I didn't miss the opportunity to take a few photos - not so easy if you want to hold the wriggling dragonfly with one hand and take photos with the other.

By the way, you neither have to worry about the animal nor about me:
Dragonflies may be feared by insects, but they are completely harmless to humans (they don't sting, and instead of that can only bite strongly with their mandibles, which however only poses a serious threat to other small animals).
I have a lot of experience with insects of all kinds and know how to touch them without hurting them. The dragonfly would probably have died of exhaustion without my help, because closed windows mean insurmountable obstacles for it.

This dragonfly, Aeshna cyanea ('southern hawker'), belongs to the infraorder Anisoptera, and is one of the largest dragonfly species in Germany with a wingspan of up to 11 centimetres. The specimen I caught is a male, which can be easily recognized by the characteristic green-blue spotted abdomen.
Anisoptera are particularly skilled fliers who can move their pairs of wings independently of each other, enabling them to stand in the air like helicopters. In contrast to 'damselflies' (Zygoptera) their wings are normally spread laterally of the body instead of folded up.


Vor ein paar Tagen bemerkte ich im Chemiehörsaal plötzlich ein lautes Rascheln bzw. Knattern, sah dann zu den Fenstern hinüber und bemerkte eine große Libelle, die den Weg nach draußen zu finden suchte.
Da ich mit Insekten keinerlei Berührungsängste habe, ging ich zum Fenster, packte die prachtvolle Kreatur vorsichtig von oben am Thorax und entließ sie in die Freiheit. Davor ließ ich es mir aber nicht nehmen, ein paar Fotos zu machen - gar nicht so einfach, wenn man mit einer Hand die zappelnde Libelle halten und mit der anderen Fotos machen will.

Ihr braucht euch übrigens weder Sorgen um das Tier noch um mich zu machen:
Libellen sind zwar unter Insekten gefürchtete Jäger, aber für Menschen völlig harmlos (sie stechen nicht, sondern können lediglich mit ihren Mandibeln kräftig zubeißen, was allerdings nur für andere Kleintiere eine ernsthafte Bedrohung darstellt).
Ich habe viel Erfahrung mit Insekten aller Art und weiß, wie man sie anfasst, ohne sie zu verletzen. Die Libelle wäre ohne meine Hilfe sehr wahrscheinlich an Erschöpfung gestorben, weil geschlossene Fenster für sie unüberwindbare Hindernisse bedeuten.

Bei der Libelle handelt es sich um die zu den Großlibellen (Anisoptera) gehörende Art Aeshna cyanea ('Blaugrüne Mosaikjungfer'), die mit einer Flügelspannweite von bis zu 11 Zentimetern zu den größten Libellenarten Deutschlands gehört. Beim von mir gefangenen Exemplar handelt es sich um ein Männchen, was man am charakteristisch grün-blau gefleckten Abdomen gut zu erkennen vermag.
Großlibellen sind besonders geschickte Flieger, die ihre Flügelpaare unabhängig voneinander bewegen können, was es ihnen ermöglicht, wie Hubschrauber in der Luft zu stehen. Im Gegensatz zu den Kleinlibellen (Zygoptera) sind ihre Flügel in Ruhestellung normalerweise seitlich vom Körper abgespreizt statt hochgeklappt.

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Tolle Aktion! Sowas verdient 100% Vote 👍

You made good photography during that time and gave a lesson to your students as well!@jaki01,


Ein edles "Unterfangen"!

Meine Eltern haben direkt vor ihrem Wohnzimmerfenster einen kleinen Teich angelegt. Daher verirren sich im Laufe des Sommers stets mehrere Libellen durch die offene Terrassentür im Haus. Meist wird den Libellen durch Verdunklung der Fenster der Weg zurück ins "Licht" (offene Tür) gewiesen.
Im Haus verirrte Libellen machen einen ganz schönen "Lärm", wenn sie fliegen - man kann sofort hören, daß mal wieder ein deratiger (und wie auf Deinen Bildern zu sehen - mit den bunten Farben toll anzusehender) Gast im Zimmer ist. ;-)

Wahnsinn, man sieht auf den Bildern kaum, dass die Libelle gezappelt hat. Sie sind doch ziemlich scharf geworden!

Und ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, wie man da keine Angst haben kann so ein großes Insekt anzufassen. Selbst wenn man weiß, dass es einem nichts tut. :)

Wie verschieden doch die Menschen sind ... ich kann mir überhaupt keinen Grund vorstellen, vor Insekten Angst zu haben ... :)

Wow! Was für ein Prachtexemplar! Klar, dass du sie gerettet hast. Dass du ein Herz für all diese großen und kleinen Flieger und Krabbler hast, konnte man schon aus früheren Beiträgen herauslesen ... 🐞🐜🕷🐝🦋

Eine sehr lobenswerte Rettungsaktion =) Ich weiss nicht, wie ich Insekten anpacken muss ohne sie zu verletzten. Genial, dass du dir das angeeignet hast! Das würde ich ebenfalls gerne lernen. Denn in unserem Van unterwegs begegnen wir stetig krabbelnden Freunden, die sich in unseren Bus verirrt haben. Und wir versuchen ihnen so behutsam wie möglich den Weg nach draussen zu zeigen. Doch das ist nicht immer so einfach ...Ich finde es schrecklich wenn jemand Insekten grundlos töten oder kaputt schlägt, nur weil die Panik mal wieder durchdrückt....

Du schreibst, dass du sie im Chemiehörsal gefangen hast. Haben dir deine Schüler/Studenten dabei zugesehen?
Das nenn ich doch mal eine lehrreiche Lesung : Angewandte Praxis im Hörsaal =)

Beste Grüße

Eine tolle Rettungsaktion! Abgesehen davon, dass ich mich gar nicht trauen würde, die Libelle anzufassen, hätte ich Sorge, ihr mit meiner Ungeschicklichkeit mehr zu schaden als zu nützen.

Die Aufnahmen sind trotz der widrigen Umstände sehr gut geworden. Libellen sind wunderschön anzusehen und ihre Flugkünste zu beobachten ist faszinierend. Ein Wunder der Natur!

Leben die Libellen nicht in der nähe von Wasser? Oder habt ihr dort einen See oder Tümpel in der Nähe? Bei uns hab ich auch schon öffters Libellen gesehen, meistens unten am Bachgrundstück, hinter dem Haus im Garten sind sie nur äußerst selten anzutreffen.
Hast du gut gemacht mit der Rettung und hoffentlich kommt die Libelle nicht auf die Idee sich bei dir dafür mit ihrer Beute zu bedanken. Sowie meine Katze, die mir tote Mäuse in den Schuhen versteckt oder einmal legte sie mir eine neben mich aufs Kopfkissen und als ich morgens aufgewacht bin lag die tote Maus vor meiner Nase 😊

Schöne Grüße, Martin

Es ist richtig, dass Libellen auf Gewässer angewiesen sind, in denen sich ihre Larven entwickeln. In unserem Garten haben wir auch tatsächlich einen kleinen Tümpel, aber diese Fotos stammen von meinem Arbeitsplatz. Allerdings entfernt sich die hier besprochene Libellenart oft relativ weit vom Wasser:

"Die Blaugrüne Mosaikjungfer macht sehr ausgedehnte Jagdflüge, so dass man sie auch häufiger weit ab von Gewässern finden kann. Dabei verirren sich Blaugrüne Mosaikjungfern auch häufig und fliegen durch offene Fenster und Türen in Häuser und Büros."

Danke Jaki, da steht das sich die Libellenlarven sogar in Regentonnen entwickeln können. Davon haben wir einige im Garten stehen, nur wird dort ständig Wasser entnommen und wieder aufgefüllt. Da werden sie sich wohl nicht entwickeln können.

Was für eine riesige Libelle lieber @jaki01. Größer als ich alles bisher gesehen habe, auch auf der Reise. Hat sie denn mit dem Hinterteil umher gewirbelt oder hat sich total still gehalten? Ich muss ehrlich gestehen, ich hätte mich nicht getraut sie anzufassen. Dazu habe ich generell eine zu große Scheu vor Insekten. Warscheinliche eher ein Blatt und ein Glas genommen und sie dann frei gelassen. Super Aktion !

Ich liebe Libellen und mag den alten Volksglauben, dass verstorbene Seelen sich in Libellen verwandeln, um an den Ort ihrer Wiedergeburt zu fliegen!Tolle Aktion lieber @jaki01!

I used to catch dragonflies when I was a kid. I put them in a glass bottle and put holes on the lid so they can breathe. It was like a big accomplishment when you caught a dragonfly because some of my childhood friends really want to catch but they can't. I could still remember that I had fed them with grasses (I thought they're grass eaters .. silly me). I thought I was doing the right thing, caring for them because I feed them. After reading your article and some of the comments here, I felt a little guilty. I should've not done that and just released them.

Wow, was fürn schönes Tier das ist. Ich hätt allerdings nicht den Mumm gehabt, es so anzufassen. Bei mir klappt immer nur die Glas+Zeitung Methode. :D

Schöne Bilder, tolle Rettungsaktion und danke, daß ich wieder etwas Neues lernen durfte :)

Beste Grüße.

Dragon flies are extraordinarily beautiful, the mechanism on how its built is amazing! I always wonder what made these changes through evolution

Nice comment, but I wonder why your self-vote rate is over 60 %!? Don't you think it would be better to upvote articles of other users as well, in case you like them (and maybe also get some upvotes in return)? That's the way Steemit was designed to work originally ...

Frankly I wonder why it's not higher. I don't upvote articles I don't like and I don't really read a lot of posts here. I want to follow the basis on which it was built but voting system sucks here n you know that too and knowing that people vote for just the ones they know, it makes it shitty and shittier, so I might as well atleast get a few coins for myself for atleast my daily basic expenses. I am done using bots and losing money to gain exposure. I don't expect you to understand but

so I might as well atleast get a few coins for myself for atleast my daily basic expenses.

It's on you to decide if your self-vote is worth more or an upvote from my side. As you can see, many people who are commenting here earned quite some cents: I upvoted them all, because they upvoted me, too, even if it was just a symbolic gesture. You may test that 'mechanism' in one of my following articles. :)

Frankly I respect you for that and thank you on everyones behalf for doing so, but not everyone here is so generous to give away so much. I appreciate that I really do, but you can't expect me to comment on someone's post without liking it right? Not gonna feed them bullshit lies just to a small petty upvote from them. Do you get what I mean?

but you can't expect me to comment on someone's post without liking it right? Not gonna feed them bullshit lies just to a small petty upvote from them. Do you get what I mean?

I would never expect anybody to upvote my articles in case he doesn't like them. However, if he likes them, then I see no reason not to upvote them as well (that's how Steemit is designed to work).

And of course in general you shouldn't upvote articles you don't like just to get upvotes in return. Instead of that just upvote articles which you like ... then you can enjoy receiving upvotes in return without feeling 'guilty'. :-)

Spending 5hrs to make an article just to realise that you are not getting shit from it, sucks. It's fine if it's a day or 2 but everyday same bullshit is too much to handle. Especially when some really bad articles are stealing the spotlight coz they have their "rich" friends voting for them irrespective of how shitty their article is.

Why are you here if it all sucks?
I agree that old users are having a big advantage, they have money, they have connections. The difference of the vote impact between them and new users is too high, but you have have the choice: keep complaining about injustice or work hard and try to improve your situation step by step.

Why am I here? Coz I believe that steemit can make a difference and it has the potential to do so. Its not easy to make money as an artist living in a 3rd world country. I am here coz I am trying hard to get back on foot nothing more! But I do ask myself that often, try hard and carry a boulder on my shoulder and work without getting paid till the good day comes or just stop hoping that good days will come as my boat has already sailed n give up this undying battle. Its a constant tug off war I only wish everyone understood that. I am not gonna spend my time sitting here telling everyone about it coz of course my opinions don't matter coz I ain't rich and I ain't a chick lol.

... coz of course my opinions don't matter coz I ain't rich and I ain't a chick lol.

... and coz you use to upvote yourself only ... I am convinced that in the long run you could be more successful when upvoting other users more often (you will find out soon who returns your votes and who doesn't ...) but OK, it's on you to believe me or not. :)

Thank you for replying so patiently. I wasn't referring to your articles, I was talking about it in general. I do upvote most of the ones I like but I dint for a while now coz I was busy working towards getting into a uni

Awww! So glad you saved the little guy! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

sehr schönes Tier und gute Aktion von dir. Aber wie hast du die überhaupt in die Finger bekommen?

Wir hatten neulich eine Daumengroße Hornisse in der Wohnung, ihr hat es zum Glück gereicht dass ich die Balkontür aufgemacht habe. 😁

Ich habe sie, wie im Artikel beschrieben, einfach von oben am Thorax gepackt. Das war nicht so schwierig, weil sie wegen der Fensterscheibe nicht nach vorne entweichen konnte.

Auch wenns nur kleine Viecher sind, ein bisschen Rettergefühl bekommt man trotzdem finde ich :)
Geht mir beim Retten von Bienen & Hummeln aus dem Pool inmer so!

Well done, thanks for making the effort. Not many people would bother to help an insect. What pretty colouring!

I noticed after a week or so that the number of guppies was getting less, so I started doing more water changes.
But they kept disappearing and I didn't know why.
One sunday morning, I was laid in bed just opening my eyes when I looked and there was this massive dragonfly in front of my face, I am not normally scared of insects but this took me of guard, I thought that at the time I had an alien in my bedroom as I was still disoriented from waking up.
It wasn't until I contacted the seller of the plants who then told me that they had been imported and that some of the plants contained dragonfly eggs.
He asked if I was missing fish, I said yes and he gave me a refund, I then found about 6 dragonflys dead around my house.
But they are not nearly as pretty as the one you have there.
Sorry for the essay :D@jaki01 I was breeding fish in my house and had fish tanks all over, I had 6 in mine and my wifes bedroom, while I was breeding my own strain of guppies I bought some plants from eBay but they took weeks to get to me. Once they got to me I gave them a wash and popped them into my fish tanks to give the fry some good hiding spaces.

Do you think (or even observed) that the larvae of the dragon flies were eating the small fishes?

Well this was the thing, I got a refund because the seller had put that it came from a personal tank that was quarantined, and it was already in the UK, he even said that he had been growing the plant himself.
I washed it before putting it in my tank as well as I didn't want to contaminate my tank with his water parameters which should have removed any eggs that might have been on there.
It was a lesson learned, and next time I buy some plants for a fish tank it will be from a garden centre as I can't afford to lose fishes like that, I managed to get a red guppy with a shiny blue tale, it had took me 6 generations of breeding to get to that stage and they were big and healthy.
The ones that were left I sold at our fish auction and they fetched £15 for 3 fish, People even asked me for more, but I moved on to swordtails and was trying to get a different strain of them going. :D

Greetings, thank you for sharing and saving this important insect in the ecosystem.Hello @jaki01 excellent photographs that you have taken this beautiful sept i, these insects take an important role in the ecosystem because they are carnivores devour large numbers of mosquitoes and thus prevent the cause of diseases such as malaria and yellow fever

Greetings @jaki01 excellent work you have done when releasing this insect (male dragonfly)

At present more than 5000 species of these insects are known ..

It is said that they have lived many years, even before human civilization and long before the existence of dinosaurs.

This insecto is the fastest of all has rings, in his body that helps him to propel himself and speed up his flight ...

Thanks for sharing, even if you do not believe it, you have done something great for the ecosystem ..

These insects did already exist long time (more than hundred million of years) before any human was born. :)

Incredible @jaki01

awesome catch. as a kid i used to catch these big dragonfly via its wings if its folded up. otherwise we did it via its tails :) i see you hold it via its body which i did not tried. am afraid i might crush it to death.

Yes, one must be careful, but I did it very often already, so I have a good feeling of how much pressure is still OK.

Oh wie schön! Ich freu mich von Herzen, dass es noch Menschen gibt, die nicht in Panik geraten und die Tiere einfach retten!! ... und vielleicht hast Du ja dem Ein oder Anderen die Angst vor diesen wunderschönen Tieren genommen. Danke!!

When I look at your photography, I am reminded of the habits of the little children in my village who catch the dragonfly for toys, then the wings of the dragonflies are cut off so they can not fly.
I became sad because I remembered so many wasted beauty.

Really beautiful picture.

Humans often struggle and fail to create something beautiful and long lasting, but are able to destroy precious things very quickly and with ease ...

You save the life of this animal and that's great :), in my country they're very common and we call them "mata caballos". Regards

Ein schöner Bericht, danke sehr dafür.

Ich schätze an Libellen ihre Ruhe, die sie – jedenfalls meiner Meinung nach – ausstrahlen. Sie sind so unheimlich elegante Flieger, dass ich mich jedes Mal freue, wenn ich in ihrer Nähe sein kann – oder so schöne Bilder, wie von Dir, sehe.

Ein schöner Bericht ...

Ein schöner Kommentar! :)

Eine Heldentat ! Ich hätte mich das nicht getraut - ist aber wahrscheinlich auch besser so sonst hätte ich sie noch verletzt und gebissen hätte sie mich wahrscheinlich auch haha
Liebe Grüße

Du bist ihr Held des Tages.. und meiner auch :)
Good job !! :)
Wie gehts dir sonst so?

Danke, mir geht es gut, obwohl 'spannende' Zeiten bevorstehen. :)
Ich hoffe, dir auch!

Guuten Morgen :)
Ja mir gehts es auch richtig gut!!
Wie meinst du das... "spannende Zeiten" ... was hast du vor? :)

dort ...Ich bin darauf schon kurz in meinen Antworten auf einen Kommentar von @luegenbaron eingegangen. Lies mal

Hey :)
Ok hab grad nachgelesen... wow... bin gespannt wie es sich bei dir entwickelt und drück dir alle daumen und zehen damit du deine "Ziele" erreichst...
Deine Ansichten und Einstellungen im Bezug auf "Arbeit" mag ich... obwohl ich deinen Job, den du gerade machst auch echt klasse finde!

Toll geschrieben, sehr informative. Daumen nach oben.

Really very beautiful photography is shared with us and your 3rd picture is a great picture. Your 3rd picture impressed me. I shared pictures of some animal in my post. I do not know if you saw or not. Anyway, I want to say the last thing that your insects photography were wonderful, which is very beautiful from my photography.

Noble step, my friend, and by your photos, can see at once that they perfectly performed the release of the dragonfly, especially such a large species. Well done! Thank you @jaki01


I have never seen a dragonfly like this before

Here in our environment i have seen only small green ones
It is pretty

Nice comment, but I wonder why your self-vote rate is over 80 %!? Don't you think it would be better to upvote articles of other users as well, in case you like them (and maybe also get some upvotes in return)? That's the way Steemit was designed to work originally ...

I'm 100% agree with you @jaki01, as a newbie our vote worth nothing, but still, whales like you are upvoting us with a reasonable percentage, why not upvote you? @animecraze Don't forget to upvote the author post.

Yeah i upvoted my 100% and will do upvoting to others from now on
Thank you @abdulmanan and @jaki01

Thanks for your upvote! :)

well i didn't upvote others becuase it has no worth

Every upvote counts, even in case it's only a symbolic gesture. :)

Btw.: and if it has "no worth", ... why did you upvote yourself? :-)

i thought it might catch some attention

compelling photos with compelling explanations can enhance knowledge around the animal world, especially the animals you post. thank you for sharing this knowledge

You are welcome! :)

Thank you my friend

The most important part is handling and most of the poepl handle it by catching its tail, but that is wrong and I think you have done it absolutely right as far as handling is concerned.

Great to see your relationship with these creatures, and i personally have many memories associated with dragonflies but now we don't see any in our locations.

When it's come to creatures then in my opinion many people find some creatures creepy but in my opinion every creature holds something unique essence and every creature is gifted with unique body, shape, design and abilities and i also see other creatures in aspect of artistic creatures and creations.

And children find fun aspect with dragonflies and in many places we can see that children run behind dragonflies to catch them and to play with them and same in case of butterfly.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

From my point of view there exists only one creepy species on this planet, which we use to call Homo sapiens. :)

Ha ha. 🙂

wow so beautiful photography

omg ! amazing photography
For your post propagation.

Wow sir, this dragonfly is very beautiful and a very beautiful photo's have been captured.
Sir once you read my article, if you like my article please support me, i will be grateful

The wonderful article and very beautiful photography.

Have a great day Thanks @jaki01

Greetings @jaki01, I see you are still confused whether you're helping these insects?or you're torturing her? just kidding, sorry hahahahaha ....

Amazing photographs sir,you are having a great fun.

Great photographs sir,cant ask anything more from you.

very nice color of dragonfly, I usually seen green color.

thanks for sharing:)

Great operation sir,finally you have saved his life,sorry i dont know about its gender.

In my text is written that it's a male exemplar ... just read ... :)

That is wonderful post and photography.

Upvote Resteem

Wow its looks my childhood i used to catch them but my mom always scold me coz she thinks i might kill them😁😁

If you like the article, what prevents you from upvoting it (and earning curation reward)?
I see you still have 100 % of your voting power left ...

Thanks for informing

Thanks for your upvote! :)

Wow fantastic photography

@jaki01 - Sir your good heart save this little creature...


You did very brave work there many would have not done the same

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