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RE: (NSFW Contains Nudity 18+ Only) Calvin Klein Underwear Photoshoot ft. Denvermax (me)Part 2 of 2

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Yes, "porn".

It's just a word that we blanket over an infinite subset of pictures and actions and sounds and....., which, yes, have similarities, but, in many cases, also have qualities that are, in every way, opposite from the other "content" that we unconsciously lump it in with by choosing to use such a broad term of categorizing.

Each instance of human action/ interaction is 100% unique, although it may share some similarities with past instances. My feeling is if we can be 100% present to what we have in front of us (in other words, not categorizing/ labeling), then we can see what's ACTUALLY represented by the action(s). IMO, it's only in that clear state of mind that we can accurately perceive intentions and motivations (both in ourselves and in others) and it's only in this state of mind that we can perceive pure beauty (not perverted by "unholy" thoughts, or lines of thinking).

The memory of a sunset doesn't have the same impact as the experience of being present to one, in the moment. Likewise, being with preconceived judgments about what a thing is or isn't (whether it's "right" or "wrong", for instance), whilst having that thing in one's presence, doesn't have the same quality to it as being 100% in that thing's presence.

The thought (about something) ISN'T the thing!!!