...but why not talk "about contrast or unity, rhythm or motif, shape, symmetry or redundancy", here?
I've stared at a dew drop before for what felt like an eternity and in that seemingly eternal, "blissed out" moment, I was convinced that the secret of beauty was revealed to me: seeing a thing without mental conceptions.
As @denvermax said in her previous comment, "it is what your mind makes it." With an innocent mind, or a mind "turned-off", I'm more than certain that we can see all the beauty of intricacies that you speak of (symmetry, shape, line, texture, color) and, more importantly, be filled with the sense of beauty, here, in these pictures.
Of course, it's also natural for a heterosexual male who's predisposed to be attracted to a certain "type" or "form" of female to be aroused by such photos, even if their mind is "cleared", but that's natural and beautiful too. It all comes down to perspective and, unfortunately, 99 out 0f 100 people are living in a seriously mutated reality that mixes ideals with truth...I'll add "in my opinion", here, as I don't have actual proof that my numbers are anywhere near accurate.
I think most of what you say about art/ beauty has to do with ideals, many of which may not even be your own. Perhaps they were conditioned out of your education and upbringing.
In truth, beauty has very little to do with thoughts or concepts, it's something that just "happens" and the conditions which instill such wonderful feelings and insights don't always make sense to the logical/ rational part of the mind, from which you're attempting to define art.
Art appeals to the aesthetic porn appeals to the erotic.
And what do you call it when something appeals to both at the same time?
Artistic porn?